The Tablet from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

THE TABLET, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1958 18 Ui- i i C.Y.O. ROUNDUP 4 top of the basketball list of more than 700 colleges in the Nation. Hank will move to the Crescent City at the end of June. One of the few broadcasters who doesn't read his copy from the evening papers or wire services is Frank Keating, the fishing expert. Frank can be heard with authentic material over WGSM, WGGB, WRTV, and seconds fiat beating out Michael GIRLS BASKETBALL By JACK BUTLER Rosse of Resurrection.

Sacred Heart, Bayslde, easily defeated Our Lady oL Victory, I the Junior two length event his teammate. Bryan Denny. KENNEDY NIXED BILL! KIN BID 42-31, In the senior division of continued his victories by cov TURNED the offer down." erinft the distance in the winning the Catholic Youth Organiza said St. Peter's College baa time of 29.2. Michael Riccardl tten's girls diocesan basketball WALK every evening.

He is the outdoors writer for the Long Is ketball coach Don Kennedy. of Visitation, followed him to the yesteryear. Introduced this department to one of basketball's more honored scorers, I Bobby Vance. Vance, a former Brooklyn and Manhattan resident. Is now a citizen of the Garden State.

championship at Holy Family, land "Press." The offer was a bid for the wire. Frank Mullen, another Canarsie. Our Lady of Angels Registration of boats under 16 5 star from the Red Hook parish foot must be made next year for took, home both the grammar won the junior backstroke easily in 16 seconds. To make it a clean To those former basketball play ft school and junior crowns defeating Sacred Heart, Bayslde. In ers who missed the Oldtlmers gathering we would like to ad sweep, the Visitation junior re lay team won over Holy Inno sailing in New York waters and the Ocean.

The bill was signed by the Governor. The fee will be $11 This corner predicted this license fee three years ago. And how that the State has got its points to cop the junior backstroke title. Bob Beck. St.

Elizabeth, tallied 20 points to lead the senior freestyle. Fred Woertman, Sacred Heart, registered 25 points in the two length freestyle to cop the title. St. Thomas gained honors in the backstroke event as Bill Meyers ran up 22 points to win. In piling up 100 points in the weekly triangular grammar school swimming meet, St.

Andrew Avelllno, Flushing, copped the section title. All three divisional titles were wrapped up by the charges of Coach Howie Stapf as they registered 610 points for their six meets. Our Lady of Lourdes, Queens Village, finished second with 370 points. Most Blessed Sacrament, Bayslde, rounded out the top three with 368 points. Roman Azana, St.

Andrew, copped Individual honors in the bantam freestyle, as he registered his fifth win In five outings. Bill Bill. Green, Our Lady of Lourdes, had already sewed up the bantam backstroke title with 30 points for six wins. Ed St. Andrew Avelllno, registered his sixth straight the grammar school game, Kathy vise that there wasn't enough cents, i Faye of Our Lady of Angels coaching post at Bt.

Louis U. recently vacated by Doc Hlckey who moved to Milwaukee to coach the Marquette U. quintet. Kennedy expressed his happiness with the Jersey Jesuits and hopes to stay in the rolled up 14 points to pace a 27 However, in the senior events it was an entirely different storjr 18 win. In the junior division.

room or chairs for those who crowded Prospect Dick Meehan, the toastmasterj was in rare form. Among those basketeers we exchanged goals tongs into the small boat owners with Father Corbett's boys from watch this fee climb. This Our Lady of Angels scored an easy 29-14 victory as Nancy Holy Innocents completely domi nating the events1 Nick Cirigli LL 4 bill does not apply to boats with Federal numbers nor out-of- Schwartz was high with 21 points with were Tom Fitzpatrick, the 51 three Moylan and Conaty broth' State craft operating less than I luk Butler tTrennen and Jean Fitzglbbon starred on defense. Kay Neilson stood out for the losing team with her all ers, Timoney brothers, Barney ten days in New York waters. ano coasted to an easy victory in the two length race in 25 seconds and his teammates, Jay Behr and William Beck, finished the one length relay In a 12 second Sedran, Honey Russell, Don Ken There is a new golf ball on the market.

It is smooth-surfaced around play and seven points. nedy, Danny Lynch, Dutch Dehnert, Pete Barry, Stretch Antherp. Lefty Turk and has no dimple or mesh mark Garden State for many years. In the past few seasons his teams have been in the N.I.T. (twice), NAIA (twice), and runner-up (twice) of MECAA.

One of the better stories this conductor tie. The only senior event Holy In ings. It is supposed to exaggerate DIOCESAN SWIMMING The grammar school swim INTERDIOCESAN TITLISTS: Bishop Walter P. Kellenberg of Rockville Centre presents the metropolitan interdiocesan C.Y.O. basketball trophy to Stephen Feron, captain of Our Lady of Victory seniors of Floral Park.

Rev. Raymond J. David, moderator, looks on. The presentation was made, at a Communion-breakfast last weekend attended by over 600 C.Y.O. athletes and their parents.

Bishop Kellenberg presided at the breakfast and celebrated the Mass which preceded it in St. Agnes Cathedral. Karem, Tom Meany, Pop Harris ming champions of Kings and Red Marty O'Donnell the golfers' faults and, therefore, will not be popular. The dimple or mesh is supposed to give the Willie Scrill. Hank OTay, Jack fQueens decided the diocesan winners In the bantam, Junior Brown, John Planco, Jim Casey, nocents lost was the backstroke which Thomas Grenean garnered in 16 seconds.

His teammate, Walter Trumm, finished second. Holy Innocents' senior relay topped this event in 48 seconds has read on Basketball, Bob Cousy, was written for the Brooklyn Prep magazine by Ed Duffy, Greg Smyth and Roger and senior divisions at Jamaica Mel Allen, Frank Bruggy, the swinger greater control. -). A new Industry is at hand, the breeding of worms for fishermen. High School last Friday.

In the Stuchburys, George Clough senior division. Sacred Heart, George Norman, Artie Powers, Seems that the worms do not ROSE HILL FETE while its mixed relay covered the win in the junior freestyle for a Cambria Heights, nosed out St Rusty Saunders, and not to leave grow fast enough for the fisher out the oldest and most spry of distance in 56.0 to edge Visits tion. men to dig up. The 1958 edi FOR JACK COFFEY Anthony of Padua, 38-36. In winning this diocesan crown.

Sa season's total of 30 points. John Beuestad, Our Lady of them all, Artie Coakley. We rec Nahas. Bob gave the boys quite a. story in which many new notes about the "Houdini of the Hardwood" were revealed.

Notre Dame television station will carry the White Sox games. The School of Our Lady tion of the New York State Vacation Land is off the press and cred Heart's Fred Woertman ognlzed some 300 old timers. QUEENS SWIMMING Lourdes, earned the junior backstroke title on the basis of 28 points. available free from the Dept. of Fordham's Graduate Manager took the senior two length freestyle in 0:27.2.

A senior four length relay made up of Don Sacred Heart, Cambria Heights, Commerce, Albany 7, N. Y. It is To Retire After 37 Years SCHOLASTIC SLANTS Jim O'Toole, coach at St. Jo Bill Beck, St. Andrew Avel copped the1 section A title of the quite an effort consisting of 196 pages of places to go in the Em TV station serves some 200,000 viewers.

A new K. of C. seph's Orphanage, Englewood llno; copped the senior freestyle with 20 points. Fordham University alumni Queens swimming league. That parish's swimmers piled up 517 pire State.

Cliffs, N. is in a tough pre' Council, the Father Tom Carroll, Reilly, Ernie Noakes, Owen Paris and Woertman nosed out St. Mary Star of the Sea in one minute flat. The backstroke title went to and friends of John F. (Jack) Brooklyn had opening day fes dicament.

He has a flock of kids, In Valley Stream, L. is named points In the six meets domi Coffey will honor him at a tes Gary Clavey, Most Blessed -Sac tivities anyway. A parade of boys and girls, who need sports and play equipment. A I lot of in honor of the late priest who was an Ail-American eager while nating the bantam and senior St. Anthony, in second place.

rament, for his sixth straight tlmonlal dinner to mark his re tlrement after 37 years as gradu neighborhood baseball heroes was the feature of the opening divisions but trailing St. Mary took -the- senior backstroke with win in an undefeated season. a student at St. Francis College. John Grasso covering the dis ate I manager of athletics and Tom Stapf, St.

Andrew Avel- of the baseball season in St Magdalene in the junior compe tition. Jack Brown of City Fire De what they had was lost in a fire and O'Toole could use anything rjgrht now. If any of our readers have sports equipment or games tance in 0:16.7 and their mixed varsity baseball coach. The 70 Bernadette's parish. More than partment Truck 105 is on the Job lino, pocketed the senior two length freestyle with 28 points.

St. Mary Magdalene's strength relay churned the waters in 600 little Reeses, Hodges and but two weeks and he's already year-old director of Ram ath letlcs will step down June 30. in the junior division gave the Furillos strutted to the music of received a medal for a personal rescue. His dad. Chief Jack Springfield Garden parish sec 0:59.4.

The winning team was made up of Bill Frltech, Dennis Wendling, Joe Zarek and James the parish drum and bugle corp Former Fordham greats and eee4''eeeS sitting around in locker rooms, homes or schools that Isn't being used, please postal card O'Toole pond place in the overall scoring. last Saturday. Rev. Alfred A other leaders in the sports world inc rsitnuLi nmrv St. Thomas the Apostle, Wood- Rosso.

St. Anthony also won the will be among the guests at the Brown of mldtown Manhattan, has been chasing fires for some 28 years and has yet to win a Varrlale, athletic moderator, planned impressive ceremonies haven, finished second In the senior freestyle with Joe Zarek testimonial dinner which will be at the orphanage. Jim can have heavy equipment or large quantities picked up. Now, pals, the MINEOLA RINK i Old Country B4. (Next to Courthouse) bantam and senior divisions to posting a time of 0:18.9.

held Saturday evening. May 17, The bantam crown also went grab third place honors. at Keating Hall on the Bronx kids are just standing around MINEOLA, L. I. FOR CLUB ORGANIZATIONS which gave an enthusiastic send-off to the mites as they embarked on their diamond season.

Father V's brother Ed, a Chicago White Sox scout, gave the ceremonies watcbinr the cars flee by on the campus. The dinner will he pre to Sacred Heart, Cambria Heights, as it defeated its Queens Bantanv, freestyle honors went to Ken Cummings, Sacred Heart, Palisade Parkway. medal. Young Jack played C.Y.O. basketball.

His father was a professional eager and is now one of the outstanding members of the Memorial Mass Committee and Basketball Oldtlmers. Stretch Meehan. the Newark and tnuKtn bKuur) ceded by the Fordham-Manhat-tan baseball game at Jack Coffey rivals, St. Andrew Avelllno, 19 Bob Speeter picked the Cath -TV. 18.

Sacred Heart won the crown big league flavor. St. Berna olie high school All-Ameriean Field to be followed by a recep for his 29 points. Mike Cahill. of Sacred Heart, garnered the bantam backstroke with 28 points.

Larry McElynn. St. Mary Mag when its four length relay of JACK COFFEY dette's will have 38 teams in CkildrcirScssioii Sat. s.m. 1 0 to 12:30 Mat.

Holidays 2 to 5 and Wed. Mat. 3:15 te 5:30 quintet for the Catholic "New tion in the gymnasium. Gabriel Ken Cummings, George Brogan, competition this Summer. Bundschuh, student manager of World" of Chicago.

This has barrister and famed eager of Bill Ward and Martin Cahill cov which he attributes to a four Holy Cross College's Athletic Jack's 1932 Ram baseball team, te 11:15 ered the distance in 1:10.7. St. dalene, earned the Junior free ap ts mwm Hall of Fame has added Ken been a yearly chore for Speeter and his task gets tougher all the time. Bishop Loughlln High is general chairman. SKATlfcia word formula "interest, concen tration, repetition, and assocla Andrew Avelllno, which finished nwms wr mrw iw iiiw sjl Slmendinger, Phil O'Connell, In 1909.

while a Junior at Ford- PTMfMT t-Mlft style crown with 28 points. Nello Tibaldl piled up 28 EN JO GOOD HEALTH School's baseball brochure was Tim Larkin and Andy Coakleyfham College, Coffey was signed in second, did not win any individual event but collected Its tion" Is famous, Jack's great love of language and travel Is less widely known. He reads and to its members. Massachu one of the best to hit this desk, Did you notice that the turn points by placing ia every event, by the Boston Braves, then known as the Doves, and went on to play professional ball in setts U. was named winner of the Sam Schoenfeld Sportsmanship award presented by the College In the bantam freestyle, George Walters of St.

Thomas Aquinas converses fluently In Spanish, French, Italian and German and has been known to flavor his eight different leagues before re outs for outdoor track meets (particularly the Queens Iona relays) and other high school events have climbed over last was the winner and In the back Basketball Officials Association turning to Fordham as baseball AND GOOD TVNl HOLD A SWIM PARTY stroke Pat Monachino of St conversation with Latin'- and coach in 1922. He claims the Niagara TJ. was second and Ca-nisius College last year's winner, Mary Star of the Sea romped in Greek quotations from the clas 0:18.2. fifth, i slcal authors. For many years, it has been a weekly ritual for Jack year? Tom Matthews, 8.J., is recovering quickly on Staten Island.

Can't get back to the Xavier High School scene too distinction of being one of the few men to have been a teammate of both Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb In the same season, piay- In the Junior division, St. An Bob Schaefer of La Salle Col thony of Padua swept three of ELECTRICAL SAFETY DEVICES hffiWgffl FOR HOME AND INDUSTRY ENCLOSED SAFETY SWITCHES METER ENCLOSURES MAGNETIC CIRCUIT BREAKER AND FUSE PANEL-BOXES FUSIBLE PULLOUT SERVICE EQUIPMENT. MURRAY MANUFACTURING CORP. 1250 Atlantic Brooklyn 16, N. Y.

to engage in French conversa ege is doing the publicity for the the four events to take the title tions at dinner with Dr. Basil Middle Atlantic Collegiate Con soon to suit the sportswriters, Its freestyle star, Bill Gerar, D'Ouakll, a professor of French ference. A nice precise job, too. Father. ing with the Detroit Tigers and Boston.

Red Sox in 1918. He is equally proud of his two major league home runs "one in each won his event In 0:15.1 while his at Fordham. He has also served Add Father Francis McKin Bruce Helss, brother of the teammate, Dennis Wendling, as a willing tutor of languages to ney, T.O.R., to the list of priest' walked off with the backstroke coaches in college sports. Father students at Rose Hill. With his wife he has been to Europe four famed skating sisters, Carol (world's champion) and Nancy, won the 1958 Men's Middle Atlantic Figure Skating title at league." Known widely for the pWers In 0:20.4.

The junior mixed re McKinney is head tennis mentor lay from St. Anthony's won its times and has traveled to Mex at St. Francis College of Loretto, Pa. event with Bill Fatl, Bob Rlzzi lco, the West Indies, South Amer the Garden. Bruce is a freshman he has sent Into the ranks of professional baseball, Coffey, was the first coach Lefty OTJoUl had in the minors.

Among his Ford and Bob Gerard covering the dls ca, Australia and Alaska. at Brooklyn Prep. Also not universally known Is tance In 0:45.5. In the junior four length relay, St. Andrew NAMES AND NOTES Avelllno.

with Horan, Mike Scansaroli. Bill Bradt and the that he at one time coached the freshman football team at Fordham and served as A letter from an old pal, Hank Kuzma, director of athletics at ham products who reached the majors were Hank Borowy, Johnny Murphy, Bob Cooney, Babe Young, and Tom )AT THE ST. GEORGE POOL A wonderful idoa for your church, school or social group. An Idea for funl An Idea far fundi, because this difftrtnt kind of party has prored Terr 's popular In raisin? money for 1 worthy cause. i In t1j orating swimming In a modem, sanitary pooll EamulaV tng exercise In the cocnpletelf-ecrulpped gyml Plus Sunlamp.

TV, Hot-Dry Steam Rooms! Constant supervision, too, so young folks mar be sent with complete confidence. Special rate to all accredited groups. See or phone The Pool Manager. MAla 4-5000. Natural Salt Water ST.

GEORGE POOL UsUl St Ceerf. Clerk St, treeUra 4. suits' HOSPITALITY HoUi VISIT NOW The Beautiful Catholic War Veterans MODEL GIFT HOME Ed McCann, took first place over the 1 College of Steubenville: St. Anthony in 1:05.8. That Pain in His Neck Is a Nine-Foot Javelin NEW ORLEANS (NO Al Simon, 31, track coach at De La Salle High School here, was reported in good condition after a freak accident.

The point of a nine-foot javelin pierced his neck from back to front. He was giving instructions to scout for the Cincinnati Reds. But perhaps the most signifi "Thanks for the great mentions. The team was great. Hope I can help out with some news one of Born Jan.

28, 1888, three miles KINGS 1L S. SWIMMING east of the Fordham campus, cant tribute paid the silver' The Confraternity Swim haired Fordham "institution" was these days." Two days later a Jack attended Morris High School note from New Orleans stated and entered Fordham College on April 3, 1954, on the occa League closed out its first season with an open meet that saw the "Hank Kuzma will be the new upon graduation. He played winners from Holy Innocents shortstop on the Ram nine under coach of Loyola TJ. of the South!" sion of his 33rd anniversary as baseball coach, when Fordham University named its baseball walk off with most of the senior memDers oi nis tracK team oniprank Keane, coached the ball events while Visitation domi- 175th St. tr Hillside Jamaica, N.

Y. OPEN EVERY DAY NOON TO 10 P.M. Free Public Inspection I family brick Completely furnished In tarfy American Room controlled heat Inter Com Hi Fi Award on May 25th Second award, 1958 Buick. the athletic field of Loyola Uni- club as a senior, and graduated versity of the South here when 1910 with an AJ3. degree.

field 'pack Coffey Field." A bronze plaque erected on that nated the Junior division. Jimmy Now, Hank, old Boy that news came from a different source. Anyhow, Kuzma was named the small college coach of the year and his Franciscan team was on a javelin Slipped from the hand Fordham also cnnfprriKl a. law day, halls Jack Coffey, as "a true of a team member and struck degree on Jack in 1923. O'Neill, of Visitation, continued to flash the form that made him one of the league's stars as he won the Junior one length in 14 sportsman, scholar and Christian gentleman." him from behind.

Following his graduation he played with the Boston Doves. it went rignt througn my neck," Mr. Simon said later. "I Detroit Tigers, Boston Red Sox, cf could see it sticking out." Church, institution and Home Buildin Hartford, Charleston, Macon, Pe oria, and Decatur, and managed tie aaaed that there was no horseplay Involved. It was not Denver, Des Moines, Hartford, Service and Buyers' Guide carelessness.

Just one of those Charleston, Macon and Decatur. accidents you can't explain." Since returning to his alma Improve ior DDi "It was a pain In the neck," ART GLASS PHARMACY mater as baseball his teams have won five Eastern and he managed to joke. AT VERY LOW PRICES 1 ij7 YEARS TO PAY IX No Down Payment 14 Met championships. A coach EUGENE J. COONEY Doctors said Mr.

Simon would have been killed or paralyzed if UP TO who produced good teams as well as Individual standouts, his over Your nt01 the javeline struck him a half inch closer to his spine. all record has been above .700. F. G. Wiedemann Stained Glass Studio Ecclstiastia Memorials Stained A.

leaded window Renovations Ventilators Mtk At. oil is 23. N. Tel. HOIlis 5-1653 In 1926 he succeeded J.

Frank PHARMACIST Prescriptions Called For and Delivered 15-14 122nd Su College Point FUthing 9-1985 Gargan as graduate manager of athletics. The Feb. 6, 1926, Issue of the Fordham College student Get a HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN from COUNTY FEDERAL STerling 3-4187 newspaper saluted the choice of BUILDING MATERIALS Coffey, describing him as "the ROOfING TO CONVERT 1 FAMILY 2 OR MORE! most popular man on campus." His popularity seemed to be UP TO 60 MO. TO REPAY COURTEOUS QUICK SERVICE LOW INTEREST RATE James J. Holt Son, Inc.

matched by his ability, for Fordham surged into the national MID-ISLAND Lumber Supply Co. Qvaltty BmUla MsUrUls mi DBXTVKBT Bssis flnaaaiag o4 Tim Tjmmm1s Inuiil 415 Roonofce RJvarheae, I Tel. Park 7-2430 sports picture in football, basket ball and track, as well as Est. 1907 Roofing of Every Description Skylights, Leaders, Gutters Repair Work A Speciality 161 Clifton Place, B'klyn 38, N. Y.

Telephone MAin 2-7730 Alterations, Heating Shingling, Roofing Violations, Painting Bathrooms, Kitchens Basem*nts Carpentry, Masonry You can START AT ONCE to increase the value and convenience of your home. Get a County Federal Home Improvement Loan for such things as these: During his tenure, he has seen Fordham elevens In the Cotton Reunion of Cage Champs Honors Bishop, Former Coach EUGENE, Ore. (NO In these days when "human skyscrapers" populate the Nation's basketball courts, a championship team had a reunion here and there wasn't even a plus-six-footer among them. This team from St. Mary's High School here racked up 35 straight games and won the county and district championships but all this happened back In 1932 and 1933.

The get-together here was the silver anniversary reunion for seven of the eight members of the team. And the reunion also honored the team's former j- coach Bishop Francis P. Leipzig of Baker. Fordham U. Keglers Cop Eastern Intercollegiate Crown Fordham University has copped and Sugar Bowls and witnessed the legendary feats of the Seven PatrickTague Sons, Inc.

Roofing Waterproofing Cross, Austin Ireland Lumber Co. U4 Grand St Brsaklya 11 Pkoas EVsrsrna -10OO Lumber and Timber Blocks of Granite. He has watched the development of Tom Cclotex and Metal Ceiling WWW W't-I1 Skylights Gutters Leaders Courtney Into an Olympic track VTolmanizing Fire Retarding 260 Hall St. Bklrn 5, N. Y.

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T. 1st. IMS L. D. SCHROETER 33rd ANNIVERSARY Ruf Cleaning Special Cefebrate with us and Save AMITY SPOTLESS CARPET CLEANING CO.

TO-ST ClersUad Brklr S. N. CLovcrdale 7-0725 the championship of. the 21 team Eastern Intercollegiate Bowling UPHOLSTERING, DRAPERIES Whatever you plan to do, consult County Federal. Write, or PHONE KOckville Centre 4-1600, or, bring in your contractor's estimate.

Our fast service can start you improving in just a few days. conference. The Bam keglers, PX1DOO ISIS Kartkarm Btr. Aritasts At. BtnUts 7.

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Peter's, Frank J. McCann tenth, and Francis, fifteenth. Stern posted the season's con- PATRONIZE TABLET Prices start as low as $70. installed All type of repairs. Residential and MANOR OVERHEAD DOOR SERVICE ference record In an individual series with 665.

Clutch spare-getting: by Ralph Casazza of Iona PAINTING fr DECORATING CONTRACTOR 115-13 111th Avenue Omeae Pfc. 20, N. Y. VJ. 1-5294 ADVERTISERS pushed the Gaels into the run-i 128-02 Rockaway Park, Us Y.

Est IMS nerup slot on I the final day. Vlrgtosi M10S All work gaaraatssS Ralph rolled a 615 aeries..

The Tablet from Brooklyn, New York (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.