Purple Tea Guide: Health and Flavor — Rosie Loves Tea (2024)

Purple tea, a unique variety of tea made from the Camellia sinensis plant, is gaining popularity among tea enthusiasts around the world. This tea, which is grown primarily in Kenya, is a result of a natural genetic mutation that causes the plant to produce leaves with a purple hue. Unlike traditional green, black, or oolong teas, purple tea undergoes minimal processing, allowing it to retain more of its natural health benefits.

One of the most notable benefits of purple tea is its high concentration of anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid that gives many fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors. These antioxidants have been linked to a range of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced inflammation, and protection against certain types of cancer.

In addition to its health benefits, purple tea is also prized for its unique flavor profile, which is described as earthy and slightly sweet. It can be enjoyed hot or iced and makes a great addition to any tea blend or recipe.

What Exactly is Purple Tea?

Purple tea is a unique variety of tea made from the Camellia sinensis plant, which is also used to produce traditional green, black, white teas and oolong teas. What sets purple tea apart is that it is made from leaves that have a naturally occurring purple color, a result of a genetic mutation in the plant. The leaves of purple tea plants contain high levels of anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that give many fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors. These antioxidants have been linked to a range of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced inflammation, and protection against certain types of cancer. Unlike other teas, purple tea undergoes minimal processing, which allows it to retain more of its natural health benefits. It has a unique flavor profile, described as earthy and slightly sweet, and can be enjoyed hot or iced. Purple tea is primarily grown in Kenya, but it is also produced in smaller quantities in other parts of the world.

Why is Purple Tea Purple?

Purple tea gets its name from the distinctive purple color of its leaves, which is due to the presence of anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid pigment. Anthocyanins are water-soluble pigments that are responsible for the purple, blue, and red colors of many fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, grapes, and red cabbage.

Unlike green tea, which is processed to preserve its green color and delicate flavor, purple tea is minimally processed, with leaves that are gently withered and dried soon after being harvested. This minimal processing helps to preserve the anthocyanins in the leaves, giving them their distinctive purple color.

The specific variety of the Camellia sinensis plant used to produce purple tea, known as Camellia sinensis var. sinensis 'Zi Juan', has been selectively bred to produce high levels of anthocyanins. These pigments not only give purple tea its unique color, but also contribute to its potential health benefits, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

History and Origins

Purple tea is a relatively new variety of tea that originated in Kenya in the early 2000s. It was developed by the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), a government agency that is responsible for developing new crops and improving agricultural practices in the country.

The development of purple tea was the result of a natural genetic mutation that occurred in some of the tea plants grown in Kenya's high-altitude regions. The mutation caused the plants to produce leaves with a purple hue, which were found to contain higher levels of anthocyanins than traditional tea leaves.

Recognizing the potential health benefits of this new variety of tea, KALRO began experimenting with different cultivation and processing techniques to maximize the concentration of anthocyanins in the leaves. The result was a tea that not only had a unique flavor and appearance, but also offered a range of health benefits that were not found in traditional green, oolong, or black teas.

Today, purple tea is primarily grown in Kenya, where it has become a popular export crop. It is also produced in smaller quantities in other parts of the world, including India and China. While purple tea is still relatively new and not as well-known as other varieties of tea, it is gaining popularity among tea enthusiasts and health-conscious consumers around the world.

Growing, Harvesting and Processing

Purple tea, like other varieties of tea made from the Camellia sinensis plant, is grown, harvested, and processed in a specific way to produce the desired flavor and health benefits. Here are the general steps involved in the cultivation and processing of purple tea:

  1. Cultivation: Purple tea plants are typically grown in high-altitude regions, where they can receive plenty of sunlight and optimum temperatures. The plants require well-drained soil and regular watering to thrive.

  2. Harvesting: The leaves of purple tea plants are harvested by hand, typically in the morning when the leaves are at their freshest. Only the top two leaves and a bud are plucked from each plant, as these contain the highest concentration of beneficial compounds.

  3. Withering: After the leaves are harvested, they are spread out on large trays and left to wither for several hours. This helps to reduce their moisture content, making them easier to process.

  4. Rolling: Once the leaves have withered, they are rolled by hand or machine to break down the cell walls and release their natural juices. This step also helps to shape the leaves and create the desired flavor profile.

  5. Oxidation: After rolling, the leaves are left to oxidize for a set amount of time. This process involves exposing the leaves to oxygen, which causes them to darken and develop a deeper flavor profile.

  6. Drying: Once the leaves have been oxidized to the desired level, they are dried using hot air or direct sunlight. This helps to halt the oxidation process and preserve the flavor and health benefits of the tea.

  7. Sorting and packaging: Finally, the dried leaves are sorted by size and quality, and packaged for shipment to tea distributors and consumers.

It's important to note that the processing of purple tea is generally less intensive than other varieties of tea, such as black tea. This helps to preserve more of the natural health benefits of the tea and gives it a unique flavor profile.

What are the Different Types of Purple Tea?

There are several different types of purple tea, each with their own unique flavor profile and health benefits. Here are some of the most common types of purple tea:

  1. Purple tea with green tea characteristics: This type of purple tea is processed similarly to green tea, which means that it is minimally oxidized and has a light, refreshing flavor. It typically has a bright green color and a subtle sweetness, with notes of grass and earth.

  2. Purple tea with black tea characteristics: This type of purple tea is more heavily oxidized than green tea, which gives it a darker color and a stronger, more complex flavor. It may have notes of chocolate, caramel, and dried fruit, and is sometimes enjoyed with cream and sugar as a delicious milk tea.

  3. Purple tea with oolong tea characteristics: This type of purple tea is semi-oxidized, which means that it falls somewhere between green tea and black tea in terms of flavor and color. It has a floral, fruity aroma and a smooth, mellow taste that is often described as "buttery."

  4. Purple matcha: This type of purple tea is made from finely ground purple tea leaves, and is typically used in the same way as matcha green tea. It has a rich, umami flavor and a vibrant green color, and is often enjoyed with sweets or with savory snacks.

Overall, the different types of purple tea offer a range of flavor profiles and health benefits, making it a versatile and unique addition to any tea lover's collection.

Purple Tea vs Green Tea

Purple tea and green tea are both derived from the same plant species, Camellia sinensis, but they differ in their processing methods and chemical composition. Here are some of the key differences between purple tea and green tea:

  1. Appearance: As the name suggests, purple tea has a purple hue, whereas green tea is typically green in color.

  2. Processing: Purple tea is minimally processed, with leaves that are gently withered and dried soon after being harvested. In contrast, green tea is processed by steaming or pan-frying the leaves to halt oxidation and preserve their green color and delicate flavor.

  3. Caffeine content: Both purple and green tea contain caffeine, but purple tea may have slightly less caffeine than green tea.

  4. Flavor: Purple tea has a unique flavor profile, with a smooth, slightly sweet taste and a subtle floral aroma. Green tea has a more grassy, vegetal flavor with a slightly bitter aftertaste.

  5. Chemical composition: Purple tea has higher levels of certain compounds than green tea, including anthocyanins and catechins. These compounds are thought to be responsible for some of the potential health benefits associated with purple tea, such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Overall, purple tea and green tea have different processing methods, chemical compositions, and flavor profiles, but both offer potential health benefits and can be enjoyed as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Purple Tea vs Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

Purple tea and butterfly pea flower tea are two distinct types of herb that differ in terms of their flavor, appearance, and health benefits.

  • Purple tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which has a natural genetic mutation that causes the leaves to turn purple. This tea is grown primarily in Kenya and is known for its high concentration of antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which are thought to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Purple tea has a unique flavor profile that can range from light and refreshing to rich and complex, depending on the level of oxidation and processing.

  • Butterfly pea flower tea, on the other hand, is made from the flowers of the butterfly pea plant (cl*toria ternatea), which is native to Southeast Asia. This tea is known for its vibrant blue color, which is derived from the anthocyanin pigments in the flowers. Butterfly pea flower tea has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and is often used in traditional medicine for its purported health benefits, which include reducing stress, improving cognitive function, and promoting healthy skin.

Overall, while both purple tea and butterfly pea flower tea contain anthocyanins and offer health benefits, they differ significantly in terms of their flavor and appearance. Purple tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant and has a unique flavor profile that can range from light and refreshing to rich and complex, while butterfly pea flower tea is made from the flowers of the butterfly pea plant and has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and a vibrant blue color.

The Health Benefits

Purple tea, like other types of tea made from the Camellia sinensis plant, is rich in antioxidants and offers a range of potential health benefits. Here are some of the most notable health benefits of purple tea:

  1. Supports heart health: Purple tea contains flavonoids, which have been shown to help improve heart health by reducing inflammation, improving blood flow, and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

  2. Helps protect against cancer: Purple tea contains high levels of polyphenols, which are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds may help to prevent the formation of cancer cells and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast and colon cancer.

  3. Boosts the immune system: The high levels of antioxidants found in purple tea may help to boost the immune system and protect against a range of diseases and illnesses.

  4. Promotes healthy digestion: Purple tea contains tannins, which have been shown to help support healthy digestion by reducing inflammation and protecting against harmful bacteria in the gut.

  5. Helps to manage stress and anxiety: Purple tea contains theanine, an amino acid that has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and improving cognitive function.

It's worth noting that while purple tea does offer a range of potential health benefits, more research is needed to fully understand its effects on the body. Additionally, the health benefits of purple tea may vary depending on the type of tea and the specific processing methods used.

The Side Effects

While purple tea is generally considered safe for consumption, it does contain caffeine and other compounds that may cause side effects in some people. Here are some of the potential side effects of purple tea:

  1. Insomnia: Purple tea contains caffeine, which can interfere with sleep and lead to insomnia if consumed in large quantities or close to bedtime.

  2. Nervousness and jitteriness: Consuming too much caffeine can also cause feelings of nervousness, jitteriness, and anxiety.

  3. Headaches: Some people may be more sensitive to caffeine than others and may experience headaches or migraines after consuming purple tea.

  4. Stomach upset: Purple tea contains tannins, which can irritate the stomach lining and cause digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

  5. Interference with nutrient absorption: The tannins in purple tea may also interfere with the body's ability to absorb certain nutrients, such as iron and calcium.

It's worth noting that the potential side effects of purple tea are generally mild and are more likely to occur in people who consume large quantities of tea or who are sensitive to caffeine. If you experience any negative side effects after consuming purple tea, it's recommended to reduce your intake or speak to a healthcare professional.

Caffeine Content

Purple tea, like other types of tea made from the Camellia sinensis plant, contains caffeine. However, the amount of caffeine in purple tea can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the growing conditions, processing methods, and brewing time.

On average, an 8-ounce cup of purple tea contains between 25-50 milligrams of caffeine. This is less than the amount of caffeine found in a typical cup of coffee, which contains around 95 milligrams of caffeine per 8-ounce cup.

It's worth noting that the caffeine content of purple tea can also vary depending on how it is brewed. Longer steeping times and higher water temperatures can extract more caffeine from the leaves, while shorter steeping times and lower temperatures can result in a lower caffeine content. Additionally, some types of purple tea may contain more caffeine than others, so it's always a good idea to check the label or consult with a tea expert if you're looking to limit your caffeine intake.

What Does Purple Tea Taste Like?

Purple tea, like other types of tea made from the Camellia sinensis plant, can have a range of flavors depending on the specific type and processing method used. Here are some general characteristics of the taste and aroma of purple tea:

  1. Mild and smooth: Purple tea is often described as having a mild and smooth flavor, with a slightly sweet and earthy taste.

  2. Floral notes: Some types of purple tea may have floral notes, which can add a subtle aroma and flavor to the tea.

  3. Nutty or fruity flavors: Depending on the specific type of purple tea, it may have nutty or fruity flavors that add complexity to the taste.

  4. Slightly astringent: Purple tea can have a slightly astringent taste, which gives it a refreshing and cleansing quality.

Overall, the taste of purple tea is often described as more delicate and nuanced than other types of tea, making it a popular choice among tea connoisseurs.

How to Make a Cup of Purple Tea

Here are instructions on how to make a hot cup of purple tea and refreshing iced tea:

Hot purple tea:

You will need:

  • 1-2 teaspoons of purple tea leaves

  • 8 ounces of water

  • A teapot or teacup with a strainer


  1. Boil water and let it cool for 1-2 minutes until it reaches about 195-205°F (90-96°C). This temperature range is ideal for most types of purple tea, however, it’s a good idea to follow the package instructions for optimum brewing instructions.

  2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of purple tea leaves to a teapot or cup.

  3. Pour the hot water over the tea leaves and let it steep for 2-5 minutes.

  4. Strain the tea leaves and serve hot.

Note: You can adjust the amount of tea leaves and steeping time to suit your taste preferences.

Iced purple tea:

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of purple tea leaves

  • 8 ounces of water

  • Ice cubes

  • A pitcher

  • Sweetener (optional)


  1. Boil water and let it cool for 1-2 minutes until it reaches about 195-205°F (90-96°C).

  2. Add 1 tablespoon of purple tea leaves to a teapot or cup.

  3. Pour the hot water over the tea leaves and let it steep for 2-5 minutes.

  4. Remove the tea leaves and let the tea cool to room temperature.

  5. Add ice cubes to a glass and pour the cooled tea over the ice.

  6. Add sweetener or sliced fruits if desired and stir.

  7. Serve and enjoy your refreshing iced purple tea.

Note: You can adjust the amount of tea leaves, water, and sweetener to suit your taste preferences. Additionally, you can add fruit slices or herbs such as mint or basil to add extra flavor and visual appeal to your iced purple tea.

How to Properly Store Purple Tea

Proper storage of purple tea is important to maintain its quality and flavor. Here are some tips on how to store purple tea:

  1. Keep it airtight: To prevent air and moisture from affecting the tea, store it in an airtight container. A resealable bag or airtight tea tin are good options.

  2. Store it in a cool, dark place: Keep the tea away from direct sunlight, heat, and humidity. A cool, dark pantry or cupboard is a good location for storage.

  3. Avoid strong odors: Tea leaves can absorb strong odors from other foods, so it's important to keep it away from items with strong smells, such as spices or coffee.

  4. Use it within a reasonable time frame: Although purple tea can last for a long time if stored properly, it's best to use it within a reasonable time frame to ensure optimal freshness and flavor. Generally, loose leaf tea can last for up to a year if stored properly, while tea bags have a shorter shelf life.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your purple tea stays fresh and flavorful for as long as possible.

Kenyan Purple Tea: Final Thoughts

Purple tea is a unique variety of tea that offers a range of potential health benefits, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a distinct flavor profile that sets it apart from other types of tea, with a smooth, slightly sweet taste and a subtle floral aroma. With proper storage and preparation, purple tea can be enjoyed as a delicious and healthy beverage. Its rich history and unique characteristics make it a fascinating addition to the world of tea, and it is sure to continue gaining popularity among tea lovers worldwide.

Read More Articles About Tea

  • What is Pu-erh Tea

  • What is Oolong Tea

  • What is Hojicha Tea

It is important to note that any health advice provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet, exercise routine, or overall health. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Purple Tea Guide: Health and Flavor — Rosie Loves Tea (2024)
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