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Sample Questions for LL.M. Part – I: Constitutional Law and Current Affairs 1. 2. 3. 4.

The doctrine of “Basic Structure of the Constitution” was propounded by the Supreme Court of India in A) Shankari Prasad v. Union of India,

AIR 1951 SC 458 B) Golaknath v. State of Punjab, AIR

1967 SC 1643 C) Kesavananda v. State of Kerala, AIR

1973 SC 1461 D) Minerva Mills v. Union of India, AIR

1980 SC 1789 The President of India may make a proclamation under Article 356 as to the breakdown of constitutional machinery in a State. A) When he is personally satisfied as to

them circ*mstances. B) When he is advised by the Prime

Minister to do so. C) When he is advised by the Union

Council of Ministers. D) When he receives a report from the

Chief Election Commission. The President of India, in the matters of appointment of Judges of a High Court : A) Is not obliged to consult any Judge

of Supreme Court or High Court. B) Is bound by the advice of the

Governor of a State C) Must give primacy to the opinion of

the Chief Justice of India. D) Is not bound to consult the Chief

Justice of India. Right to education has been included in the constitution by A) 86th Amendment B) 100th Amendment C) 87th Amendment D) 94th Amendment







Ordinance can be promulgated by the president of India if, A) Both the Houses of Parliament are

in session B) Both the Houses of Parliament are

not in session C) Either of theHouses is not in

session. D) None of the above.

How many amendments have been carried out in constitution of India? A) 109 B) 106 C) 99 D) 94 The tenure of Jammu and Kashmir Assembly is

A) 5 Years B) 6 Years C) 7 Years D) None of the above The attempt to suicide is no more punishable. Which section of the IPC was declared unconstitutional and hence void by the Supreme Court in April, 1994? A) 302 B) 303 C) 304 D) 309 The newly elected President of USA Barack Obama belongs to which political party. A) Republican B) Democratic. C) Communist D) None of the above

Since August 1994, the rupee has been made fully convertible in : A) The capital account B) The capital and saving account C) The saving account D) The current account

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Part– II: Substantive Law Commercial Law (Law of Contract and Company Law) 1. 2. 3.

A contract entered into without ‘Free Consent’ is : A) Void B) Voidable C) Valid D) Illegal Property insurance is a contract of : A) Indemnity B) Contingent contract C) Wagering agreement D) Guarantee

Creditor, on default by the principal debtor, can file suit against: A) Secured property B) Principal debtor alone C) Surety and principal debtor; D) All the above jointly.



A company is a Government Company only if : A) All the shares of the company are

held by Central or State Government;

B) At least 25% of Shares are held by Central or State Government;

C) Majority of Shares are held by Central or State Government or both;

D) Majority of Directors are appointed by the Central or State Government

Annual general meeting of a company is to be held with a gap between two consecutive meetings of successive years; A) Of not more than twelve month; B) Of not more than twenty four

months; C) Of not more than fifteen months; D) Any time but less than twenty four

months Family Law 1. 2.

Which of the following is valid marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act. 1955?

A) H, a male Hindu aged 35 marries W who is a deserted wife of B, who had filed a suit for divorce and suit is still pending

B) H, a male Hindu aged 36 marries a second wife with the consent of his first wife who has not been able to have a child for the last 10 years

C) H, a Brahmin Male aged 30, marries a Buddhist girl aged 18

D) H, an idiot male Hindu aged 27 marries W, a Hindu female Lunatic

Which of the following is valid adoption under the Hindu Adoption & Maintenance Act, 1956?

A) H, a male Hindu aged 26 adopts a daughter aged 6

B) H, a male Hindu and his wife adopt a son aged 16

C) H, a male Hindu aged 40 adopted a son aged 5, after his natural born son migrated to the U.S.A.

D) H, a Hindu bachelor aged 25 adopts a son aged 3




Which of the following is Hindu under the Hindu Law? A) A is born of Hindu father and

Christian mother and brought up as a Christian

B) A is born of Hindu father and Buddhist mother

C) A is born of Muslim father and Parsi mother’

D) A is born of Christian father and Muslim mother

Which of the following relatives will succeed to the Property of H, a Hindu male under the Hindu Succession Act 1956 after his death? A) Daughter B) Father C) Brother D) Sister Which of the following is SAHI NIKAH (valid marriage) under the Mohammedan Law? A) M, a Mohammedan male aged 30

married W, a Muslim woman under-going Iddat

B) M, a Mohammedan male aged 27, married W, a Muslim woman in a desert, without any witness

C) M, a Mohammedan male aged 35, married his wife’s sister

D) M, a Mohammedan male aged 41, married W, a Muslim female aged 21 as second wife without the consent and against the wishes of his first wife

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Law of Torts 1. 2. 3.

The defense of Volenti non fit injuria is available in : A) Rescue cases B) Help cases C) Negligence cases D) Unlawful acts The test of reasonable foreseeability was laid down in : A) Re Polemis case B) Donoghue v. Stevenson C) Rylands v. Fletcher D) Ashby v. White There is physical harm to the plaintiff in : A) Assault B) Defamation C) Nervous shock D) None of these



Malice/evil motive is relevant in : A) Negligence B) Defamation C) Vicarious Liability D) Nuisance Tort is : A) A wrong against the Society B) Statutorily defined in the Limitation

Act C) A codified branch of law D) A civil wrong based on the agreed


Legal Theory

1. 2. 3.

Who observed that International Law is the vanishing point of jurisprudence? A) Austin B) Salmond C) Starke D) Holland Identify the Jurist who defined Law as “the form of the guarantee of the conditions of life of society, assured by the states’ power of constraint”: A) Roscoe Pound B)

Holmes C) Ihering D) Salmond Realist theory of law emphasizes on: A) Social function of law B) Human factors in law C) Social criterion of validity of law D) Essentiality of law for social life



According to Hohfield, the jural opposite of ‘Power’ in the context of his analysis of legal right in the wider sense is : A) Liability B) Disability C) Duty D) Immunity Possession is said to be ownership on the defensive by : A) Savingny B) Salmond C) Ihering D) Gray

Public International Law 1. 2. 3.

‘International Law may be defined in broad terms as the body of general principals and specific rules which are binding upon the members of the international community in their mutual relations’ A) Oppenheim B) Lawrence C) Brierly D) Fenwick ‘The duties and rights of the States are only the duties and rights of men who compose them’ : A) Kelsen B) Westlake C) Hall D) Starke ‘A State is, and becomes an international person, through recognition only and exclusively’: A) Oppenheim B) Anzilotti C) Holland D) Pitt Corbett



“The rebus sic stantibus doctrine is one of the enigmas of International Law” who said A) Starke B) Edward Collin C) Oppenheim D) Anzilotti. ‘From the theoretical point of view, the provision for applying ‘the General Principles of Law’ has been regarded as sounding the death-knell of positivism’: A) Lauterpacht B) C.C.Hyde C) Starke D) Triepel

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Indian Penal Code 1. 2. 3.

P, a Pakistani, fires at A, an Indian, standing on the no-man’s land. A runs and dies on the Indian territory: A) P has committed no offence B) P is liable for murder C) P is liable for attempt to culpable

homicide D) P is liable for attempt to grievous hurt. With an intention to kill B administers sugar mistaking it for arsenic : A) P has committed no offence B) P is liable for attempt to murder C) P is liable for culpable homicide D) P is liable for grievous hurt. P intentionally gives a sword cut to A. A subsequently dies of septic meningitis which developed on account of use of wrong remedies and neglect of treatment:



A) P is liable for murder B) P is liable for culpable homicide C) P is liable for grievous hurt D) P is liable for simple hurt P, a stoutly built man comes with a lathi in his hand. P picks up the bag of A who being weak person does not resist : A) P is liable for theft B) P is liable for robbery C) P is liable for extortion D) None of the above P threatens A with a pistol and puts his hand in A’s pocket which is empty : A) P has committed no offence B) P is liable for attempt to theft C) P is liable for attempt to robbery D) P is liable for attempt to extortion

Transfer of Property Act

1. 2.

Which of the following is a non-transferable property under the T.P.Act: A) Actionable claim B) Mortgagor’s right to redeem C) Lessee’s right under the lease D) Right of an occupancy tenant The Supreme Court has held, that the rule of lis pendens equally applies to involuntary transfers, in the case of A) Kedar Nath Vs. Sheo Narain AIR 1970

S.C. 1717 B) Narayana Rao Vs. Basavarajappa AIR

1956 S.C.727 C) Vidhyadhar Krishnarao Mungi Vs.

Usman Gani Saheb AIR 1974 S.C.685 D) Beepathuma Vs. Velasari Shankra-

Narayana Kadambolithaya AIR 1965 S.C.241




Where a mortgagor personally binds himself to repay; the mortgage money by a certain date and possession of the property is delivered to the Mortgagee, the mortgage shall be recognized as : A) Simple mortgage B) English mortgage C) Usufructuary mortgage D) Anomalous mortgage The Transfer of Property Act applies to transfers : A) By operation of Law B) By act of parties C) By the Government D) By parties who are Muslims The rule that every transaction involving transfer of property is to be treated as single unit is the basis of A) The rule of apportionment B) The rule of lis pendens C) The rule of election D) The rule of contribution

Industrial Disputes Act 1. 2.

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 aims at : A) Providing social security benefits to the

workmen B) Regulating conditions of work in

industries C) Investigation and settlement of

industrial disputes D) Regulating the employment of women

during certain periods Retrenchment means : A) Refusal by an employer to continue to

employ a workman B) Termination by the employer of the

service of a workman for any reason whatsoever

C) Inability on the part of employer to provide employment to the workman




The power of the Appropriate Government under Section 10 to refer industrial disputes for adjudication is : A) An administrative power B) Legislative power C) Judicial power D) Quasi-judicial power Lockout is : A) For trade reasons B) An act on the part of employer taken

to coerce or pressurize the labour C) Not an intentional act D) Not concerned with industrial dispute Strike means : A) Mere cessation of work B) Cessation of work under common


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D) Voluntary retirement of a workman

C) Cessation of work coupled with gherao of management

D) Slowing down production

Sample Questions for Master of Computer Applications (MCA)






Which of the following is NOT a language processor? A) Compiler B) Loader C) Interpreter D) Assembler Which of the following is NOT an Internet protocol? A) LTP B) SMTP C) HTTP D) ATM The sequence that is in ascending order in size is A) bit, word, byte, nibble B) nibble, byte, bit, word C) nibble, bit, word, byte D) bit, nibble, byte, word Total number of ways in which four boys and three girls can sit in a row so that boys and girls have alternate seats is A) 72 B) 144 C) 288 D) 720 If the word MANMOHANWASHERE corresponds to ZOAABVNBJOFVRFR, then the word that corresponds to LRF is A) HEY B) MAN C) GOT D) YES





Two persons Ram and Shyam sort the letters at constant rate. Ram sorts L letters in 60 minutes while Shyam takes 30 minutes to sort L letters. The total time taken by both of them in sorting L letters working together but independently is A) 10 min B) 20 min C) 15 min D) 45 min The remainder obtained on dividing 21680 by 1763 is A) 1 B) 3 C) 13 D) 31 The area bounded by the curve , y= (x+1)2 , its tangent at (1, 4) and the x –axis is A) 1/3 B) 2/3 C) 1 D) 4/3 The median of 25,13,4,6,3,11,15,10 is A) 4.5 B) 6.0 C) 10.5 D) 5.0

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Sample Questions for M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication

1. Write about 150 words each on any two of the following: (16 Marks) a) American Presidential elections b) Budget 2008-09 c) Patriotism in Indian Cinema d) Beijing Olympics 2008 2. Rewrite the passage in 200 words: (8 Marks) It was a cold, windy, stormy, night where the wind was blowing very strongly. The driver of the truck was driving very fast on the wet road at a speed of over 150 km per hour. He did not see the branch of the tree lying on the wet road until he was almost upon it. He braked very hard. Because he braked very hard, the tyres skidded and he lost control and the truck crashed into the ditch on the side of the road. Eye witnesses said that the truck was being driven at very high speed because of which the driver lost control. Fortunately no one was killed. The driver escaped with minor injuries as he managed to jump out of the truck before it turned turtle into the ditch. Other than the fact of over speeding, blame can also be placed at the hands of the municipal authorities. The trees lining the stretch of the main road running through the city is lined by trees that are over a 100 years old. What compounds the problem is that these trees are not pruned and they are a source of danger not only to vehicles but also the pedestrians. Many representations have been made to the authorities to uproot these old trees that are many decades old and to replace them with young saplings, particularly of a species that has hard wood. There is also no check post on this part of the road to check over speeding. This can prove dangerous especially on days that the weather is bad as people tend to drive very fast here as the stretch of the road here is straight and wide and people tend to over speed here. Also the streetlights also do not function always causing many accidents. 3. Write about 150 words each on two of the following: (16 Marks)

A) Dr. Manmohan Singh B) Young Turks in Indian Politics C) Your role model D) Sachin Tendulkar

4. English Comprehension: (4 x 5 Marks)

(I). Use the following words in sentences: (5 marks) A) Criterion B) Fallacious C) Discrepancy D) Voluble E) Appease

(II). Use the following idioms/phrases in sentences: (5 marks) A) Success is somebody else’s failure B) To be or not to be C) A moot point D) The pros and cons E) Every cloud has a silver lining

(III). If an underlined word or phrase is incorrect, choose that letter; if the sentence is correct, select No error. (5 marks)

1. The region has a climate so severe that plants growing there rarely had been more

A B C than twelve inches high. No error.


2. We admired his many attempts bravely to enter the burning building. No error. A B C D E

3. We must regard any statement about this controversy, whatever the source, as A B C

gossip until they are confirmed. No error. D E

4. She is the only one of the applicants who are fully qualified for the position. A B C D

No error. E

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5. That book is liable to become a bestseller because it is well written, full of suspense A B C and very entertaining. No error.

D E (III). Tick one of the options for filling in the blanks in each sentence: (5 marks)

1. In giving a speech, the speaker’s goal is to communicate ideas clearly and __________, so that the audience will be in no ________ about the meaning of the speech. A) effectively … haste B) indirectly … distress C) unambiguously … confusion

2. The commission of inquiry censured the minister for his ________ expenditure of public funds, which they found to be _________. A) improper … vindicated B) lavish … unjustifiable C) arbitrary … critical

3. Pain is the body’s early warning system: loss of _______ in the extremities leaves a person __________ injuring himself unwittingly. A) agony … incapable of B) feeling … habituated to C) sensation … vulnerable to

4. Fortunately, she was _________ her accomplishments, properly unwilling to ___________ them before her friends. A) deprecatory about … flaunt B) excited by … parade C) uncertain of … concede

5. Although its publicity has been ________, the film itself is intelligent, well-acted, handsomely produced and altogether ___________. A) tasteless … respectable B) perfect … spectacular C) sophisticated … amateur

5. Interpretative passage (5 Marks)

The most curious fact about the detective story is that it makes its greatest appeal precisely to those classes of people who are most immune to other forms of daydream literature. The typical detective story addict is a fairly successful professional man with intellectual interests and well read in his own field, who would never read gossipy movie magazines or comics. It is sometimes said that detective stories are read by respectful, law-abiding citizens in order to gratify, in fantasy, the violent wishes they dare not translate into action, but it is quite false. Detective fiction is a work of art where the author skillfully holds the attention of the reader, never letting him be sure, making him suspect every character by turn, until the last page, where the real culprit is revealed. All classics in detective fiction, ‘Crime and Punishment’, ‘The Trial’ etc. are examples of this. Of course, there is pulp literature also where the authors just churn out cheap stories based on a standard formula of sex, blood and violence.

I) The word “curious” in line 1 means:

A) Inquisitive B) Unusual C) Prying

II) The author asserts that readers of detective fiction are: A) People bent on satisfying an unconscious thirst for blood B) Dreamers unable to face the monotony of everyday reality C) Believers in a story well told

III) The opening paragraph suggests that the author considers movie magazines and comics to be: A) Sources of factual data about society B) Less addictive than detective fiction C) The typical literary fare of professionals

IV) The author’s attitude to detective fiction can best be described as: A) Profound veneration B) Genuine appreciation C) Aloof indifference

V) The author emphasizes classic detective fiction as one that is: A) Free of cheap gimmicks B) Marked by suspense C) Moves in a chronological manner

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Q1) Which is the source of Chlorofluorocarbons? A. Thermal Power Plants B. Automobiles C. Refrigeration and Air – conditioning D. Fertilizers Q2) Among cereals and millets richest source of calcium is: A. Rice B. Bajra C. Maize D. Ragi Q3) Bissinosis is common in: A. Farmers B. Textile Industry C. Gold mine D. Cement factory Q4) The most populous state in India is: A. Uttar Pradesh B. Bihar C. Madhya Pradesh D. Kerala Q5) A doctor suggested to a couple not to have more than one child because of A. Rh+ male Rh- female B. Rh- male Rh+ female C. Rh+ male Rh+ female D. Rh- male Rh- female

Q 6)

Q 7)

Q 8)


Q 10)

Acquired immunity is found in A. Invertebrates B. Vertebrates C. Some Invertebrates D. Both vertebrates and

invertebrates The incubation period of rabies ranges from – A. 1 to 2 days

B. 3 to 4 days C. 5 to 6 days D. 10 days to 1 year At birth immunization required is A. BCG and OPV-O B. DPT-1 C. DPT-1 and OPV-1 D. Measles Anthracosis is caused due to A. Coal Dust B. Silica C. Fe D. Tobacco

Gini Index is associated with A. Distribution of diseases B. Distribution of Income C. Distribution of deaths D. Distribution of pollutants

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I. The writing tasks given below will help us assess your proficiency in organizing your thoughts and presenting them in a coherent manner. Please complete the task below within 250-300 words, writing at least two paragraphs:

Social networking is the lifeline of the younger generation but some older people feel that it is a waste of time. What is your opinion about social networking? State YOUR view clearly, giving episodes or ideas from your own experience.

OR Focus in basic education is currently shifting towards a skill-based rather than a knowledge-based

model. Do you think this shift will be productive in the long run? Give your opinion on the changes that you see in the Indian system of education.

II. Attempt a critical appreciation of the poem given below:


Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message. He is Dead, Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. He was my North, my south, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong. The stars are not wanted now; put out every one, Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun, Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods; For nothing now can ever come to any good.

OR The World is too much with us The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon; The winds that will be howling at all hours, And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for everything, we are out of tune, It moves us not.—Great God! I’d rather be A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn; So might I, standing on this pleasant lea, Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.

III. Answer any FOUR in 50-100 words each: a. The difference between heroic and mock heroic modes b. The hallmark of eighteenth century satire c. Some of the features of comedy of manners d. What were the reasons for the rise of the novel? e. Why did modern poets choose to write free verse?

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SAMPLE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS FOR M.A. (GEOGRAPHY) 1. The temperature of Thiruvananthapuram is

lower than that of Mumbai in May and higher than that of Mumbai in January because: A) Thiruvananthapuram has a cold current

and Mumbai a warm current B) Thiruvananthapuram has higher rainfall in

summer and it is closer to the equator. C) Thiruvananthapuram is on the windward

side and Mumbai is on the leeward side. D) Thiruvananthapuram is thickly vegetated

while Mumbai is not 2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of

a barkhan? A) Its horns point in a down wind direction. B) It has a crescent shape C) Its windward slope is concave D) It moves in the direction of the wind.

3. If the number of a Survey of India topographical sheet is 53 E/1, it’s scale is: A) 1:25 000 B) 1:50 000 C) 1:250 000 D) 1:5000

4. Coral reefs are to be found in: A) Polar latitudes B) Tropical latitudes C) Temperate latitudes D) All of the above

5. The age and sex composition of the population is best represented by A) Choropleth B) Isopleth C) Pie Diagram D) Pyramid Diagram

6. Which of the following is an antecedent river?

A) Beas B) Satluj C) Ravi D) Jhelum

7. Representative Fraction is a method used for

showing A) Scale on the map B) Direction on the map C) Contours on the map D) Distance on the map

8. Which of the following is not a method used for

finding north A) Pole Star method B) Similar Triangles method C) Watch method D) Rod method

9. Following is an example of cold desert

A) Sahara B) Kalahari C) Gobi D) Mojave

10. Mervator’s Projection was used primarily for

drawing A) Distribution Maps B) Political Maps C) Navigational Maps D) Cadastral Maps


A) Floods B) Landslides C) Earthquake D) Volcanic Eruption

2. The switching over from the use of diesel to CNG is important because: A) CNG is cheaper than diesel B) Diesel is polluting fuel and CNG in non-

polluting fuel C) CNG is easily available D) CNG is a non renewable resource

3. Which of the following is caused due to water contamination? A) Oral Cancer B) Hypertension C) Gastroenteritis D) Tuberculosis

4. Which of the following is a conventional source

of energy A) Solar Energy B) Thermal Energy C) Tidal Energy D) Wind Energy

5. Which of the following is a primarily activity? A) Teaching B) Retail trade C) Mining D) Tailoring

6. RIO-10 (The World Summit for Sustainable

Development) in 2002 was held at A) Keo Karo (India) B) Johannesburg (South Africa) C) New York (USA) D) Melbourne (Australia)

7. Approximately 71% surface of earth is covered

with water bodies, ice caps and glaciers that is why earth is also known as:- A) Blue Planet B) Green Planet C) White Planet D) Yellow Planet

8. Which of the following is eco-friendly way of managing kitchen waste? A) Open dumping B) Land filling C) Burning D) Vermi Composting

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9. Indian Cheetah and Dodo bird are: A) Vulnerable species B) Extinct species C) Threatened species D) Rare species

10. Harike wetland is located on confluence of which two rivers? A) Ganga-Yamuna B) Chandra-Bhaga C) Ganga-Brahmaputra D) Beas-Satluj


A The representative fraction of a map = distance on the ground

distance on the map B the denominator of the representative fraction is always once A) A only B) B only C) Both A and B D) Neither A or B

2. Map showing the depths of oceans and seas

is termed as: A) Ethnographic map B) Orographic map C) Bathymetric map D) Geological map

3. Which one of the following is the largest scale

of map? A) 1 : 10 000 B) 1 : 50 000 C) 1: 100 000 D) 1 : 1000 000

4. Kaziranga is famous for:

A) Great Indian Bustard B) One horned rhino C) Cheetah D) Ostrich

5. In the topographical sheet settlements are

represented by A) Green Color B) White Color C) Red Color D) Black Color

6. Silent Valley is located in

A) Kashmir B) Kerala C) Uttaranchal D) Tamil Nadu

7. Which of the following is a perspective


E) A) Cylindrical Equal Area B) Bonne’s Projection C) Gnomonic Projection D) Sinusoidal Projection

1. The point vertically below the camera lens in a

photograph is called: A) Ground point B) Principal point C) Isocenter D) Ground nadir point

9. Which one of the following is the smallest

scale of map? A) 1: 10 000 B) 1:50 000 C) 1: 100 000 D) 1: 1000 000

10. Output Device of a computer is: A) Keyboard B) Printer C) Monitor D) Speaker

11. Pixel refers to

A) Picture element B) Picture effect C) Perfect element D) Primary element

12. The term GPS refers to:

A) Global Prevention System B) Global Protection System C) Global Positioning System D) None of the above.

13. The term GIS refers to:

A) Geographical Informative System B) Global Information System C) Geological Information System D) Geographical Information System

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Sample question paper

Master of Social Work 1. An NGO is registered under a) Indian Penal Code b) Society’s Registration Act c) Industrial Tribunal Act d) ESI act 2. National Population Policy was adopted in the year a) 1998 b) 2000 c) 2002 d) 2004 3. The goal of Social Work is a) to reduce social tensions b) to provide services to all c) to promote social justice d) to service the elite 4. The National Health Police was endorsed by parliament of Indian in a) 1980 b) 1981 c) 1982 d) 1983 5. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in a) 1944 b) 1945 c) 1947 d) 1948 6. National Human Rights commission was created in the year a) 1963 b) 1973 c) 1983 d) 1993 7. Social Welfare traditionally includes a) Relief b) Curative services c) Rehabilitative services d) All of these 8. The 12th Five year plan period is a) 2007-2012 b) 2012-2017 c) 2017-2022 d) 2002-2007 9. “Open hand monument” of Chandigarh stand for? a) Friend ship and welcome b) Good luck c) Peace and reconciliation d) None of these 10. NGT stands for a) National Green Tribunal b) National Green Trust c) National Grand Trust d) National Gold Tribunal

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Sample Question Paper M. Tech. (Nano Science & Nano Technology) Q.1 The material which can be deformed

permanently by heat and pressure is called: (A) Thermoplastic

(B) Chemical compound (C) Polymer

(D) Thermoset

Q.7 Most electronegative element among the following is:

(A) Sodium (B) Bromine

(C) Fluorine (D) Oxygen

Q.2 A light and a heavy body have equal

momentum. Which one has greater kinetic energy?

(A) The light body (B) The heavy body (C) Both have equal kinetic energy (D) No correlation is possible with given data

Q.8 Pollen grains of a plant whose 2n=28 are cultured to get callus by tissue culture method. What would be the number of chromosomes in the cells of the callus?

(A) 21 (B) 56

(C) 14 (D) 28

Q.3 Suppose the gravitational force varies inversely as the nth power of the distance. Then the time period of a planet in circular orbit of radius R around the sun will be proportional to

(A) R-n (B) R(n-1)/2

(C) Rn (D) R(n+1)/2

Q.9 The most commonly used bleaching agent is: (A) Alcohol

(B) Chlorine (C) Carbon dioxide

(D) Sodium chloride

Q.4 The term PVC used in the polymer industry stands for

(A) Polyvinyl chloride (B) Phosphor vanadium chloride

(C) Polyvinyl carbonate (D) Phosphavinyl chloride

Q.10 What is LINUX? (A) Malware

(B) Firmware (C) Application program

(D) Operating system

Q.5 A bend in a levelled road has a radius of 100 m. Find the maximum speed at which a car turning this bend may have without skidding. If the coefficient of friction between the tyres and the road is 0.8:

(A) 28 m/s (B) 40 m/s

(C) 80 m/s (D) 32 m/s

Q.11 The inherited traits of an organism are controlled by:

(A) RNA molecules (B) DNA molecules

(C) Nucleotides (D) Peptides

Q.6 The number of moles of solute in 1kg of a solvent is called its:

(A) Molality (B) Molarity

(C) Normality (D)Formality

Q.12 BT bringle is an example of transgenic crops. In this, BT refers to:

(A) Bascillus tuberculosis (B) Betacarotene

(C) Biotechnology (D) Bacillus thuringiensis

Q.13 Insulin is a polymer of : (A) Glucose

(B) Fructose (C) Galactose

(D) Arbinose

Q.14 Which stage of malarial parasite is infective to man?

(A) Gametocyte (B) Merozoite

(C) Cryptomerozoites (D) Sporizoite

Q.15 In which of the following form, the data is strored in a computer?

(A) Decimal (B) Hexadeciaml

(C) Binary (D) Octal

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Pick-up the correct option: 1. One mole of Nitrogen at 8 bar and 600K is contained in a piston-cylinder arrangement. It is brought to 1 bar

isothermically against a resisting pressure of 1 bar. The work done (in Joules) by the gas is (a) 30554 (b) 10373 (c) 4988.4 (d) 4364.9

2. For water at 3000C, it has a vapour pressure 8592.7 kPA and fugacity 6738.9 kPa. Under these conditions, one mole of water in liquid phase has a volume 25.28 cm3, and that in vapour phase 391.1 cm3. Fugacity of water (in kPa) at 9000 kPa will be (a) 6738.9 (b) 6753.5 (c) 7058.3 (d) 900

3. A dilute aqueous solution is to be concentrated in an evaporator system. High pressure steam is available. Multiple effect evaporator system is employed because. (a) total heat transfer area of all the effects is less than that in a single effect evaporator system (b) total amount of vapour produced per kg of feed steam in a multieffect system is much higher than in a

single effect (c) boiling point elevation in a single effect system is much higher than that in any effect in a multieffect

system. (d) heat transfer coefficient in a single effect is much lower than that in any effect in a multieffect system

4. Minimum reflux ratio in a distillation column results in (a) Optimum number of trays (b) Minimum reboiler size (c) Maximum condenser size (d) Minimum number of trays

5. An elementary liquid phase decomposition reaction A →k 2B is to be carried out in a CSTR. The design equation is

(a) ( )A






(b) ( )





(c) ( )A





(d) ( )

( )2







6. Match the following dimensionless numbers with the appropriate ratio of forces.

Dimensionless Number Ratio of forces P Froude Number 1. Shear force/internal force Q Reynolds Number 2. Convective heat transfer/conductive heat transfer R Friction Facter 3. Gravitational force/viscous force S Nusselt Number 4. Inertial force/viscous force 5. Inertial force/ gravitational force

(a) P-1, Q-2, R-5, S-3 (b) P-5, Q-4, R-3, S-2 (c) P-5, Q-4, R-1, S-2 (d) P-3, Q-4, R-5, S-1

7. A process stream of dilute aqueous solution flowing at the rate of 10 Kg s-1 is to be heated. Steam

condensate at 950C is available for heating purpose, also at a rate of 10 kgs-1. A 1-1 shell and tube heat exchange is available. The best arrangement is (a) counterflow with process stream on shell side

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(b) counterflow with process stream on tube side (c) parallel flow with process stream on shell side (d) parallel flow with process stream on tube side

8. The Reynolds Number of the liquid was increased 100 fold for a laminar falling film used for gas-liquid contacting. Assuming penetration theory is applicable, the fold-increase in the mass transfer coefficient (kc) for the same system is: (a) 100 (b) 10 (c) 5 (d) 1

9. A closed-loop system is stable when the gain margin is: a. >1 b. <1 c. 1 d. Zero

10. The aerosols important in air pollution range from:

e. 0.01 to 100 µm f. 100 µm to 100 µm g. 0.001 µm to 0.01 µm h. <0.001 µm

11. The order of convergence in Newton-Raphson method is:

i. 2 j. 3 k. 0 l. 1

12. Runge-Kutta method is used to solve:

m. linear algebraic equations n. linear simultaneous equations o. ordinary differential equations of first order and first degree with given initial condition p. partial differential equations


1. The limiting value of Sherwood number for

mass transfer from a spherical object is equal to

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 0.5 2. The primary protein in milk is (A) casein (B) tryptophan (C) lysine (D) glutenin 3. Percentage of fat in butter is (A) 50 (B) 60 (C) 70 (D) 80 4. The power consumed by a drum dryer

depends upon (A) Drum speed (B) Steam Pressure

(C) Pressure exerted by the blade on the drums

(D) Length and diameter of the drum

5. Freeze drying time is directly proportional to the __________of the material being dried. (A) thickness (B) square of the thickness (C) cube of thickness (D) fourth power of thickness

6. With increase in concentration of solute in a solution, boiling point

(A) decreases (B) increases (C) remains constant (D) none of these 7. The major forces acting in cyclone

separator are (A) gravity and centrifugal (B) gravity and centripetal (C) centrifugal and centripetal (D) None of these

8. Ultra filtration is used for production of

(A) Butter (B) Ghee

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(C) Cheese (D) Ice-cream

9. Vacuum packaging is normally used for

(A) milk powder (B) paneer (C) yoghurt

(D) None of these 10. The water activity of free water should be

(A) 1 (B) less than one (C) more than one (D) 0

Pick-up the correct option:

3. One mole of Nitrogen at 8 bar and 600K is contained in a piston-cylinder arrangement. It is brought to 1 bar isothermically against a resisting pressure of 1 bar. The work done (in Joules) by the gas is

(e) 30554 (f) 10373 (g) 4988.4 (h) 4364.9

4. For water at 3000C, it has a vapour pressure 8592.7 kPA and fugacity 6738.9 kPa. Under these conditions, one mole of water in liquid phase has a volume 25.28 cm3, and that in vapour phase 391.1 cm3. Fugacity of water (in kPa) at 9000 kPa will be

(e) 6738.9 (f) 6753.5 (g) 7058.3 (h) 900

5. A dilute aqueous solution is to be concentrated in an evaporator system. High pressure steam is available. Multiple effect evaporator system is employed because.

(e) total heat transfer area of all the effects is less than that in a single effect evaporator system (f) total amount of vapour produced per kg of feed steam in a multieffect system is much higher than in a

single effect (g) boiling point elevation in a single effect system is much higher than that in any effect in a multieffect

system. (h) heat transfer coefficient in a single effect is much lower than that in any effect in a multieffect system

6. Minimum reflux ratio in a distillation column results in (e) Optimum number of trays (f) Minimum reboiler size (g) Maximum condenser size (h) Minimum number of trays

7. An elementary liquid phase decomposition reaction A →k 2B is to be carried out in a CSTR.

The design equation is

(e) ( )A






(f) ( )





(g) ( )A





(h) ( )

( )2







8. Match the following dimensionless numbers with the appropriate ratio of forces.

Dimensionless Number Ratio of forces P Froude Number 1. Shear force/internal force Q Reynolds Number 2. Convective heat transfer/conductive heat transfer R Friction Facter 3. Gravitational force/viscous force S Nusselt Number 4. Inertial force/viscous force 5. Inertial force/ gravitational force

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(e) P-1, Q-2, R-5, S-3 (f) P-5, Q-4, R-3, S-2 (g) P-5, Q-4, R-1, S-2 (h) P-3, Q-4, R-5, S-1

9. A process stream of dilute aqueous solution flowing at the rate of 10 Kg s-1 is to be heated. Steam

condensate at 950C is available for heating purpose, also at a rate of 10 kgs-1. A 1-1 shell and tube heat exchange is available. The best arrangement is

(e) counterflow with process stream on shell side (f) counterflow with process stream on tube side (g) parallel flow with process stream on shell side (h) parallel flow with process stream on tube side

10. The Reynolds Number of the liquid was increased 100 fold for a laminar falling film used for gas-liquid contacting. Assuming penetration theory is applicable, the fold-increase in the mass transfer coefficient (kc) for the same system is:

(e) 100 (f) 10 (g) 5 (h) 1

11. A closed-loop system is stable when the gain margin is: a. >1 b. <1 c. 1 d. Zero

12. The aerosols important in air pollution range from:

a. 0.01 to 100 µm b. 100 µm to 100 µm c. 0.001 µm to 0.01 µm d. <0.001 µm

13. The order of convergence in Newton-Raphson method is:

a. 2 b. 3 c. 0 d. 1

14. Runge-Kutta method is used to solve:

a. linear algebraic equations b. linear simultaneous equations c. ordinary differential equations of first order and first degree with given initial condition d. partial differential equations

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SAMPLE PAPER OF M.E.(Chemical with specialization in Environmental Engineering)

Pick-up the correct option: 1. One mole of Nitrogen at 8 bar and 600K is contained in a piston-cylinder arrangement. It is brought to 1 bar

isothermically against a resisting pressure of 1 bar. The work done (in Joules) by the gas is (i) 30554 (j) 10373 (k) 4988.4 (l) 4364.9

2. For water at 3000C, it has a vapour pressure 8592.7 kPA and fugacity 6738.9 kPa. Under these conditions, one mole of water in liquid phase has a volume 25.28 cm3, and that in vapour phase 391.1 cm3. Fugacity of water (in kPa) at 9000 kPa will be (i) 6738.9 (j) 6753.5 (k) 7058.3 (l) 900

3. A dilute aqueous solution is to be concentrated in an evaporator system. High pressure steam is available. Multiple effect evaporator system is employed because. (i) total heat transfer area of all the effects is less than that in a single effect evaporator system (j) total amount of vapour produced per kg of feed steam in a multieffect system is much higher than in a

single effect (k) boiling point elevation in a single effect system is much higher than that in any effect in a multieffect

system. (l) heat transfer coefficient in a single effect is much lower than that in any effect in a multieffect system

4. Minimum reflux ratio in a distillation column results in (i) Optimum number of trays (j) Minimum reboiler size (k) Maximum condenser size (l) Minimum number of trays

5. An elementary liquid phase decomposition reaction A →k 2B is to be carried out in a CSTR. The design equation is

(i) ( )A





(j) ( )







(k) ( )A





(l) ( )

( )2







6. Match the following dimensionless numbers with the appropriate ratio of forces.

Dimensionless Number Ratio of forces P Froude Number 1. Shear force/internal force Q Reynolds Number 2. Convective heat transfer/conductive heat transfer R Friction Facter 3. Gravitational force/viscous force S Nusselt Number 4. Inertial force/viscous force 5. Inertial force/ gravitational force

(i) P-1, Q-2, R-5, S-3 (j) P-5, Q-4, R-3, S-2 (k) P-5, Q-4, R-1, S-2 (l) P-3, Q-4, R-5, S-1

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7. A process stream of dilute aqueous solution flowing at the rate of 10 Kg s-1 is to be heated. Steam condensate at 950C is available for heating purpose, also at a rate of 10 kgs-1. A 1-1 shell and tube heat exchange is available. The best arrangement is (i) counterflow with process stream on shell side (j) counterflow with process stream on tube side (k) parallel flow with process stream on shell side (l) parallel flow with process stream on tube side

8. The Reynolds Number of the liquid was increased 100 fold for a laminar falling film used for gas-liquid contacting. Assuming penetration theory is applicable, the fold-increase in the mass transfer coefficient (kc) for the same system is: (i) 100 (j) 10 (k) 5 (l) 1

9. A closed-loop system is stable when the gain margin is: e. >1 f. <1 g. 1 h. Zero

10. The aerosols important in air pollution range from:

i. 0.01 to 100 µm j. 100 µm to 100 µm k. 0.001 µm to 0.01 µm l. <0.001 µm

11. The order of convergence in Newton-Raphson method is:

m. 2 n. 3 o. 0 p. 1

12. Runge-Kutta method is used to solve:

q. linear algebraic equations r. linear simultaneous equations s. ordinary differential equations of first order and first degree with given initial condition t. partial differential equations


Pick-up the correct option:

1. Polymer formed in cationic Polymerization has a) narrow molecular weight distributions b) medium molecular weight distributions c) broad molecular weight distributions d) general isotactic structure

2. Thermokol is the trade name of a) high impact polystyrene b) general purpose polystyrene c) acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene d) expanded polystyrene

3. The order of convergence in Newton-Raphson method is: a) 2 b) 3 c) 0 d) 1

4. Runge-Kutta method is used to solve: a) linear algebraic equations b) linear simultaneous equations c) ordinary differential equations of first order

and first degree with given initial condition d) partial differential equations

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5. For an isotherm process, pressure, P and Bulk modulus, K is related as: a) K = P b) K = P c) K = P/ d) K = p2

6. Which one of the following fluids is essentially a

non-Newtonian fluid under normal working conditions? a) blood b) thin lubricating oil c) water d) air

7. The pressure drop per unit length of a pipe under laminar flow condition is:

a) 2



b) 4



c) either (a) or (b) d) none of these

8. The LMTD correction factor FT:

a) increases with decrease in number of shell passes

b) increases with increase in number of shell passes

c) remains constant with the increase in number of shell passes

d) any one of the above, depending upon the type of exchanger.

9. In case of a packed tower, HETP varies with:

a) type and size of packing b) flow rate of each fluid c) concentration of each fluid d) all of above

10 For a binary mixture at constant temperature,

with the increase of total pressure, the relative volatility:

a) decreases b) increases c) remains constant d) none of these

11. An irreversible first order reaction is carried out

in a PFTR and CSTR of same volume. The liquid flow rates are same in each reactor. The relative conversion will be: a) less in pftr than in cstr b) more in cstr than in pftr c) less in cstr than in pftr d) same in each reactor

12. Grizzlies are used for screening solid particles of:

a) large size b) small size c) very small size d) any one of the above

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Q.1. If x be real, 7271342





can have no value between

(a) (3,7) (b) (4,8) (c) (5,9) (d) (10,15)

Q.2. The set of equation x + y- 2z =0, 2x-3y+z=0, x-5y+yz=k is consistent for

(a) K = 0 (b) K = 1 (c) K = 2 (d) K = 5

Q.3. If U = yxyx

++ 44

, show that yUy




is equal to

(a) U (b) 2 U (c) 3 U (d) 5 U

PART-B: PHYSICS Q.4. Out of Fm, V and B in the relation Fm = q (V x B ) which of the following pavis can have any angle

between them.

(a) →

V and →


(b) →

F and →


(c) mF→

and →

B (d) None of the above Q.5. A body under the action of inverse square force will follow and elliptical path, if eccentricity

(a) e=0 (b) e=1 (c) e>1 (d) e<1 (Positive)

Q.6. If B = curl A , then

(a) →→

∇ B = 0

(b) →→

∇ B = 1

(c) →→

∇ B = A

(d) →→

∇ B = -1 PART-C : CHEMISTRY Q.7. The IUPAC name for CH3CH2 – C – OCH3 is || O

(a) methyl propanoate (b) Porpanendioic acid (c) 2-propane-l-ol (d) 3 oxo-1-methyl butane

→ → → → →

→ →

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Q.8. The number of NMR signals for the compound CH3OCH2CH3 is (a) One signal (singlet) (b) Two signals (one singlet, one multiple) (c) Three signals (singlets) (d) Three signals (singlet, quartet, triplet)

Q.9. When Propane is treated with HBr in the presence of a peroxide

(a) Bromopropene is formed (b) n-propyl bromide (c) Allyl bromide is formed (d) None of these


Q.10. The Fourier number (NFo) is defined as (a) tL2/α (b) hL/k (c) αt/L2 (d) hk/L

Q.11. Baffles are provided in the heat exchanger to increase

(a) fouling factor (b) heat transfer area (c) heat transfer coefficient (d) heat transfer rate

Q.12. Relative volatility, α, for a binary system

(a) decrease with increase in pressure (b) increase with increase in pressure (c) increase with increase in temperature at constant pressure. (d) has no significance in distillation operation


ME Electrical Engg. (Instrumentation & Control) Regular programme 1. 2. 3. 4.

Which term applies to the maintaining of a given signal level until the next sampling?

1. Holding 2. Aliasing 3. Shannon frequency sampling 4. Stair-stepping What does a Hall Effect sensor sense? A) Temperature B) Moisture C) Magnetic fields D) Pressure Two copper-constantan thermocouples are connected such that the two constantan wires are joined together. The two copper wires are connected to the input of a low noise chopper stabilized differential amplifier having a gain of 1000. One of the thermocouple junctions is immersed in a flask containing ice and water in equal proportion. The other thermocouple is at a temperature T. If the output of the amplifier is 2.050V, the temperature T is A) 205°C B) 102.5°C C) 51.25°C D) 50°C A second order feedback system is found to be oscillating with a high frequency. The oscillations

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Addressing mode of the instruction- ORL A, @ R0 is: A) Direct A) Indirect C) Register D) Immediate Which type of programming is typically used for digital signal processors? A) Assembly language B) Machine language C) C D) None of the above A phase lag compensation coil A) Improves relative stability B) Increases bandwidth C) Increases overshoot D) None of the above Which one of the following is Programmable Interrupt Controller? A) 8257 B) 8254 C) 8255 D) 8259 RTDs are typically connected with other fixed resistors A) In a pi configuration B) In a bridge configuration C) And variable resistors D) And capacitors in a filter-type

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A) Can be reduced by increasing the proportional action. B) Can be reduced by increasing the integral action. C) Can be reduced by increasing the derivative action. D) Cannot be reduced.


circuit For a first order instrument a 5% settling time is equal to 1. Three times the time constant. 2. Two times the time constant. C) The time constant. D) Time required for the output

signal to reaches 5% of the final value.

Sample Questions for

M.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Regular Programme






Which rectifier requires four diodes? A) half-wave voltage doubler B) full-wave voltage doubler C) full-wave bridge circuit D) voltage quadrupler

If the input is a rectangular pulse, the output of an integrator is a

A) Sine wave B) Square wave C) Ramp D) Rectangular pulse

The energy gap in a semiconductor A) Increases with temperature B) Does not change with

temperature C) Decreases with temperature D) Is zero

The LASER diode sources require

A) Spontaneous emission B) Absorption C) Stimulated emission D) None of the above

2’s complement representation of a 16-bit number (one sign bit and 15 magnitude bits) is FFFF. Its magnitude in decimal representation is

A) 0 B) 1 C) 32, 767 D) 65, 565






The Boolean function Y=AB + CD is to be realized using only 2 inpute NAND gates. The minimum number of gates required is

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

Which device is considered a current controlled device:

A) Diode B) Filed effect transistor C) Transistor D) Resistor

In an amplifier, the emitter junction is A) Forward Biased B) Reverse Biased C) Grounded D) Shorted

Unijunction Transistor has three terminals,

A) Cathode, Anode, Gate B) Grid, Plate, Cathode C) Base 1, Base 2, Emitter D) Gate, Base 1, Base 2

GSM stands for A) Global System for Mobile

Communication B) Global System for Multiplexing C) Group System for Mobile

Communication D) None of these

Sample Questions for

M.E. (Computer Science & Engineering) Regular Programme

1. Which of the following is the name of the data structure in a compiler that is responsible for managing information about variables and their attributes? A) Abstract Syntax tree B) Symbol Table C) Variable value stack D) Parse tree

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2. Seven (distinct) car accidents occurred in a week. What is the probability that they all occurred on the same day? A) 1/77 B) 1/76 C) 1/27 D) 7/27

3. Which of the following statements is false

A) As unambiguous grammar has same leftmost and rightmost derivation B) An LL (1) parser is top down parser C) LALR is more powerful than SLR D) An ambiguous grammar can never be LR (k) for any k

4. What will be the output of the following program?

void main() int var 1 = 10, var2 = 20, var3; Var3 = var1++ + ++var2; Printf(“%d%d%d”, var1, var2, var3); A) 10 20 30 B) 11 21 31 C) 10 21 30 D) 11 21 30

5. Which of the following data structures will allow mergesort to work in O(nlogn) time? I. A singly linked list II. A doubly linked list III. An array A) III only B) I and II only C) II and III only D) I, II and III

6. In the internet Protocol (IP) suite of protocols, which of the following best describes the purpose of the

Address Resolution Protocol? A) To translate Web addresses to host names B) To determine the IP address of a given host name C) To determine the hardware address of a given host name D) To determine the hardware address of a given IP address

7. The binary relation R= (1,1), (2,1),(2,2), (2,3), (2,4),(3,1),(3,2), (3,3), (3,4) on the set A= 1,2,3,4 is:

A) reflexive, symmetric and transitive B) neither reflexive, nor irreflexive but transitive C) irreflexive, symmetric and transitive D) irreflexive and antisymmetric

8. Consider the following statements:

(i) First-in first-out types of computations are efficiently supported by STACKS (ii) Implementing LISTS on linked lists is more efficient than implementing LISTS on an array for

almost all the basic LIST operations (iii) Implementing QUEUES on a circular array is more efficient than implementing QUEUES on a

linear array with two indices (iv) Last – in – first – out type of computations are efficiently supported by QUEUES A) (ii) and (iii) are true B) (i) and (ii) are true C) (iii) and (iv) are true D) (ii) and (iv) are true

9. A binary search tree is generated by inserting in order of following integers

50,15,62, 5, 20, 58, 91, 3, 8, 37, 60, 24 The number of nodes in the left subtree and right subtree of the root respectively is A) (4, 7) B) (7, 4) C) (8, 3) D) (3, 8)

10. A directed graph with n vertices and e edges are represented by Adjacency matrix. What is the time

required to determine the in-degree of a vertex? A) O(e) B) O(n) C) O(n2) D) O (e+n)

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Sample Questions for ME Civil Engineering (Construction Technology & Management) Regular Programme Q.1. Mass moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod of mass M and length (I) about its mid-point and

perpendicular to its length is

(a) 2 MI2 (b) 1MI2 (c) 3MI2 (d) 4MI 3 3 4 3 Q.2. The point of contraflexure is a point where (a) Shear force changes sign (b) Bending moment changes sign (c) Shear force is maximum (d) Bending moment is maximum Q.3. In order to avoid tendency of separation at throat in a venturimeter, the ratio of the diameter at throat to

the diameter of pipe should be (a) 1 to 8 (b) 1 to 1 (c) 1 to 1 (d) 1 to 1 16 8 8 4 4 3 3 2 Q.4. The main cause of silting in channel is (a) Non-regime section (b) Inadequate slope (c) Defective head regulator (d) All of these Q.5. Weight of a vehicle affects (a) Passing sight distance (b) Extra widening (c) Pavement thickness (d) Width of lanes Q.6. The difference between maximum void ration and minimum void ratio of a sand sample is 0.30. If the

relative density of this sample is 66.6% at a void ration of 0.40 then the void ratio of this sample at its loosest state will be

(a) 0.40 (b) 0.60 (c) 0.70 (d) 0.75 Q.7. The diagonal tension in concrete can be resisted by providing (a) Diagonal tension reinforcement (b) Shear reinforcement (c) Inclined tension reinforcement (d) All these Q.8. Rivet value is equal to (a) Strength of a rivet in shearing

(b) Strength of a rivet in bearing (C) Minimum of the value obtained in (a) and (b) (d) Maximum of the value obtained in (a) and (b) Q.9. Rise and fall method is used in (a) Profile leveling (b) Differential leveling (c) Check leveling (d) Non of these Q. 10. The alkaline salt present in the bricks, absorbs moisture from the air which on drying (a) Leaves pores and makes the bricks porous (b) Leaves high powder deposit on the brick (c) Makes the brick brittle and weak (d) All of these Sample Questions for

ME Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Technology) Regular Programme Q.1. An inertial frame of reference has (a) Fixed origin but directions of axes can change with time (b) Fixed origin as well as fixed directions of its axes (c) Fixed directions of axes but origin can change with time (d) Any of the above

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Q.2. Dimensional formula for Young’s modulus of elasticity is (a) ML -1T-2 (b) MLT-2

(c) M-1L-1T-1 (d) ML-2T-2

Q.3. Which of the following processes would be best suited for stress relieving, improving machineability and ductility in casting and deep drawn components (a) Austempering (b) Tempering (c) Normalising (d) Annealing Q.4. The pressure intensity at a point in a fluid is same in all directions, only when (a) The fluid is frictionless (b) The fluid is frictionless and incompressible (c) The fluid has zero viscosity and is at rest Q.5. In orthogonal cutting, cutting face is inclined to the direction of cut at (a) 90 degree (b) Less than 90 degree (c) Between 30 and 45 degrees (d) Greater than 90 degree Q.6. In statistical quality control + 3σ means the percentage of items within acceptable limits will be: (a) 68.26 (b) 95.46 (c) 99.73 (d) 50 Q.7. In the specification of fits (a) Allowance is equal to twice the tolerance (b) Allowance is equal to half of tolerance (c) Allowance is independent of tolerance (d) Allowance is equal to the difference between maximum material limit mating parts.

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Sample paper M.E. Electrical Engineering (Power System) Q.1 The maximum efficiency of a half-wave rectifier

circuit can be (A). 37.2% (B). 40.6% (C). 53.9% (D). 81.2%

Q.6 For a two port linear passive bilateral network is (A). AD=BC (B). AD-BC=0 (C). AD-BC=1 (D). AB-BC=1

Q.2 An overcurrent relay of current 5A and setting 150% is connected to the secondary of CT while CT ratio is 300:5. The current in the lines for which relay picks up is

(A) 300 A (B) 450 A (C) 150 A (D) 200 A

Q.7 A distribution station has a peak load of 3000 kW and total annual energy of 107 kWh. The peak power loss is 220 kW. The loss factor is:

(A). 0.215 (B). 0.285 (C). 0.325 (D). 0.356

Q.3 A 100 mA meter has accuracy of ±2%. Its accuracy while reading 50 mA will be

(A) ± 1% (B) ± 2% (C) ± 4% (D) ± 20%

Q.8 The load frequency response in a system (A). Does consider the reactive power flow (B). Does not consider the reactive power flow (C). Does not consider the real power flow (D). Consider Active power

Q.4 A 4-digit DVM(digital voltmeter) with a 100-mV lowest full scale range would have a sensitivity of how much value while resolution of this DVM is 0.0001

(A). 0.1 mV (B). 0.01 mV (C). 1.0 mV (D). 10 mV

Q.9 For a synchronous phase modifier, the load angle is (A). 00 (B). 250

(C ) 300

(D). 500

Q.5 In a 4-bit weighted resistor D/A converter, the resistor value corresponding to LSB is

32 kΩ .The resistor value corresponding to MSB will be

(A). 32Ω (B). 16Ω (C). 8Ω (D). 4Ω

Q.10 A pilot exciter is: (A). A level compound small DC generator (B). A small servo type synchronous generator (C). A main synchronous generator (D). A main exciter

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M.Tech Material Science (Entrance Test) • Use of calculator is not allowed

Q1. The order of magnitude of the energy gap of a

typical semiconductor is a) 1MeV b) 1keV c) 1eV d) 1meV


Enzyme-substrate kinetics can be studied via a) Stern Volmer plots b) DFT calculations c) Michaelis Menten Kinetics d) none of the above

Q2. In Young’s double slit experiment, the separation between the slits is halved and the distance between the slits and the screen is doubled. The fringe width is

a) doubled b) halved c) quadrupled d) unchanged

Q 8.

Surfactants are a) surface active agents b) surface enhancing agents c) surface deactivating agents d) all of the above

Q3. The material used to make permanent magnets should have

a) Small coercivity and large retentivity. b) Large coercivity and large retentivity. c) Large coercivity and small retentivity d) Small coercivity and small retentivity

Q 9.

CMC stands for a) chemical micellar concentration b) critical micellar concentration c) critical melting concentration d) chemical micellar concentration

Q4. Of the following moving with same velocity, the one with longest wavelength is

a) an α particle b) an electron c) a neutron d) a proton

Q 10.

Which of the following is a cationic surfactant a) SDS b) AOT c) CTAB d) all of the above

Q5. The Poynting vector signifies a) The flow of electric lines of force b) The flow of magnetic lines of force c) The flow of electromagnetic power d) Charge in the electrostatic field


The region between the curve = √, 0 ≤ ≤ 4, and the x-axis is revolved about the x-axis to generate the solid. Find its volume.

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

Q6. The crystal structure of solids can be determined experimentally by studying diffraction of

a) X-rays b) Neutrons c) Electrons d) All of the above


. Find the value of ∑

∞ , if it exists.

(a) 1/5 (b) 5/6 (c) 3/5 (d) 0


Find the value of ,→,

. (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) Does not exist.


Find the flux of = − + across the circle + = 1 in the xy-plane.

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) (d) (d) –


Find the rank of the matrix A defined as

= 3 2 − 14 2 67 4 5

(a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) -1

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Sample Questions for M.E. Biotechnology

1. Which of the following is not measure of central tendency. a) Mean b) Mode

c) Range d) Median 2.Literature databases include.

a) MEDLINE and PubMED b) MEDLINE and PDB c) PubMED and PDB d) MEDLINE and PDS

3.GenBank,the nucleic acid sequence database is maintained by a) Brookhaven Laboratory b) DNA database of Japan c) European Molecular Biology Laboratory d) National Centre for Biotechnology Information

4.Which of the following are similar between transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes a) RNA polymerase products in mRNA which grows in 5’’ -3”direction b) RNA polymerase bind to ribosomes to allow transcription c) A poly-A tail is added to the 3”end of mRNAs d) Introns are present in genes which are spliced out after transcription

5.Mitochondrial DNA is advantageous for evolutionary studies because: a) It is inserted into the X chromosome b) It is inherited only through female parent c) It evolves more slowly than the genes in nucleus d) It first appeared in humans and is not found in other animals 6.The lac operon in E coli is involved in

a) Regulating the expression of gene b) Controlling DNA replication c) Regulating the translation of mRNA d) Controlling the formation of ribosome

7.Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used as a cryopreservant for mammalian cell cultures because

a) It is organic solvent b) It easily penetrates cells c) It protects cells by preventing crystallization of water d) It is also utilized as a nutrient

8.The helix content of a protein can be determinded using a) An infrared spectrometer b) A fluorescence spectrometer c) A circular dischroism spectrometer d) A UV-Visible spectrophotometer 9.Frequency of a gene in a population will increase if the gene is

a) Lethal b) Dominant c) Recessive d) Favorably selected

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10.Km is the substrate concentration at which

a) The reaction rate is double of the maximum b) The reaction rate is one half of the maximum c) The enzyme is completely saturated with substrate d) The enzymatic reaction stops

11. Which of the following is a sequence alignment tool a) BLAST b) PRINT c) PROSITE d) PIR

12. Amino acid residue which is most likely to be found in the interior of qwater-soluble globular

proteins is a) Threonine b) Aspartic acid c) Valine d) Histidine

Sample Questions for Master of Arts( Business Economics) M. A.(BE) 1. Accounting is the language of –

A. Business B. Books of Accounts C. Accountant D. None of these

2. Which of the following is not included under accounting concepts? A) Money Measurement Concept B) Business Entity Concept C) Continuity Concept D) None of these

3. Which expenses is of Capital Nature? A) Depreciation B) Wages C) Salary D) Stationary

4. Dividend can be declared from –

A) Revenue Profit B) Capital Profit C) Secret Reserve D) All of these

5. Privatization is the result of –

A) Economic Compulsion B) Social Compulsion C) Global Compulsion D) Market Compulsion






An agreement enforceable by law is called – A) Voidable Contract B) Void Agreement C) Legal Agreement D) Valid Contract The Sale of Goods Act came into force from – A) July 1, 1932 B) July 1, 1930 C) July 1, 1935 D) July 1, 1940 The value of the variable which occurs most frequently in a distribution is called – A) Mode B) Mean C Median D) All of these The arithmetic mean of a series is the figure obtained by dividing the sum of values all items by A) 2 B) 3 C) 3 D) Their Number Which of the following is Business Averages? A) Moving average B) Progressive average C) Composite Average D) All of these

Master of Entrepreneurship and Family Business (MEFB)



Part A: Verbal ability/Reasoning Disease: Health:: Freedom : ? A) Slavery B) Pleasure C) Plight D) Beauty If you are going to west in the afternoon, the sun will be visible at your left.


Part B: General Knowledge In which organ of the human body would you find a cluster of cells which produce insulin? A) Bile B) Liver C) Pancreas D) Brain

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A) Never B) Always C) Sometimes D) Often Fill in the blank with the most suitable alternative. He shouted …………. at the subordinate. A) Loud B) Loudly C) Loudely D) Loudingly





Which area in India is the only breeding ground of the flamingo? A) Rann of Kutch B) North East C) Himalayas D) Bay of Bengal Which was the first Capital of Pakistan? A) Karachi B) Lahore C) Islamabad D) Peshawar Which Olympic did Milkha Singh break the world record in the 400 metres event. A) Rome B) Athens C) Beijing D) None of the above Kuchipudi is a dance form of A) Tamil Nadu B) Orissa C) Kerala D) None of the above

Part C: Data Interpretation According to the survey of 2000 educated unemployed persons in which 1200 were men and 800 were women, the following data were collected. Qualification Unemployed Men Unemployed Women Doctors 12.5% 15% Engineers 20.0% 7.5% Trained Teachers 15.0% 22.5% Post-Graduates 22.5% 25.0% Graduates 30.0% 30.0%




On the basis of above Table, what is the difference between the number of unemployed men and women doctors? A) 20 B) 30 C) 40 D) None of the above

What is the total number of unemployed Graduates? A) 425 B) 475 C) 550 D) 600 Part D: Commerce/ Economics The sale of goods Act came into force from – A) July 1, 1932 B) July 1, 1930 C) July 1, 1935 D) July 1, 1940




The value of the variable which occurs most frequently in a distribution is called A) Mode B) Mean C) Median D) All of these The arithmetic mean of a series is the figure obtained by dividing the sum of values all items by A) 2 B) 3 C) 5 D) Their Number Which of the following is Business Averages? A) Moving average B) Progressive average C) Composite Average D) All of these

Sample Questions for M.Com. (Honours) 1.

Which of the following presents key aspects of the process of accounting in the correct chronological order?

A) Communicating, recording and identifying

B) Recording, identifying and communicating

C) Recording, totaling and identifying D) Identifying, recording and



When an oligopolist individually chooses its level of production to maximize its profits, it charges a price that is A) more than the price charges by either

monopoly or a competitive market B) less than the price charges by either

monopoly or a competitive market C) more than the price charges by a

monopoly and less than the price charges by a competitive market

D) less than the price charges by a

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Which of the following is not a function of controller? A) Financial reporting B) Managerial reporting C) Money management D) Cost management

Ending finished goods inventory is:

A) Beginning finished goods inventory + cost of goods completed – cost of goods sold

B) Cost of goods completed – cost of goods sold

C) Beginning finished goods inventory + cost of goods completed

D) Beginning finished goods inventory - cost of goods completed + cost of goods sold

Which of the following is also known as an inventoriable cost?

A) Period cost B) Fixed cost C) Product cost D) Conversion cost

A cost management tool that brings in its focus the activities performed to produce a product is called

A) target costing B) life cycle costing C) ABC D) benchmarking

The first Factories Act was enacted in A) 1881 B) 1895 C) 1897 D) 1885

If the date of incorporation of a company is 1/01/2005, the first AGM must be held before

A) 30/06/2006 B) 31/03/2006 C) 31/12/2005 D) 31/03/2005

The ‘right to information’ under the RTI Act, 2005 includes the right to

A) Inspect works, documents, records B) Take notes, extracts or certified

copies of documents or records C) Obtain information in form of

printouts, diskettes, floppies, tapes video cassettes or in any other electronic mode or through printouts

D) All of the above Long term capital asset is an asset (other than financial securities) which is held by the assessee for more than

A) 36 months B) 12 months C) 24 months D) 30 months

The definition of ‘Goods’ under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 does not include

A) Newspapers B) Standing corps C) Computer software D) Animals

A rational person does not act unless A) the action is ethical B) the action produces marginal costs








monopoly and more than the price charges by a competitive market

Suppose that the government increases its spending by 10 per cent and also increases taxes by 10 per cent. We would expect this policy to A) Essentially have no effect on the

level of national income B) Have a contractionary effect on

national income C) Decrease the marginal propensity to

save out of each extra pound of income

D) Have an expansionary effect on national income.

The Government of India has decided to cover all districts of the country in National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme (NREGP) A) up to January 1, 2008 B) up to March 31, 2008 C) with effect from April 1, 2008 D) with effect from April 1, 2009 Reserve Bank of India calculates four components of money supply, M1, M2, M3, M4. Which one of the following statement is not correct? A) M1 = currency with public + demand

deposits with banks B) M2 = M1 + post office savings

deposit C) M3 = M1 + M2 D) M4 = M3 + total post office deposits What is meant by the term functional management? A) A system of business organization

that is based on an individual having a wide range of skills needed to administer a business

B) A type of management that is based more on personality

C) A system that groups together various jobs and is organized by departments, sections, or functions

D) A system that supports a flat form of command chain

Maslow, in his triangle of human needs, showed that A) Having challenging new tasks is a

basic human need B) Money always motivates workers C) Safety and security is a low order

human need D) Workers will not give of their best

unless they have good social events provided by the firm

The purpose of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is to A) Stimulate efforts to improve quality B) Recognize quality achievements of

companies C) Publicize successful quality

programs D) All of the above The process of collecting information about the external marketing environment

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that exceed marginal benefits C) the action produces marginal benefits

that exceed marginal costs D) the action makes money for the



is A) Environmental management B) Environmental scanning C) Marketing management D) Marketing scanning The correct components of the 7-S framework are A) Share values, synergy, systems,

strategy, style, staff and structure B) Standards, strategy, style, staff skills,

systems and security C) Structure, strategy, shared values,

style, staff, skills and systems D) Strategy, synergy, shared value,

standardization, skills staff and structure

Sample Questions for M.Com (Business Innovations) Q1) India first took part in the Olympic games in the year A) 1920 B) 1928 C) 1972 D) 1974 Q2) Where is the headquarters of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation A) Mumbai B) Dehradun C) Vadodara D) Digboi Q3) The working languages of the UNESCO is/ are A) English only B) French only C) English and French D) English, French and Russian Q4) After textiles, India’s second important industry is: A) Sugar B) Jute C) Cement D) Iron and Steel Q5) Vedanta group has been denied permission to start its activities in Niyamgiri Hills of Orissa. What activity was it pursuing? A) Steel Production B) Bauxite mining C) Gas exploration D) Timber cutting Q6) Botany: Plants::Entomology:? – A) Birds B) Plants C) Insects D) Snakes




Q 10)

48:122::168:? – A) 292 B) 290 C) 225 D) 215 AKU:?::CMW:DNX A) BGL B) BLQ C) BGQ D) BLV

Flow: River::Stagnant: ? A. Pool B. Rain C. Stream D. Canal

A rectangular floor is fully covered with square tiles of identical size. The tiles on the edges are white and tiles in the interior are red. The number of white tiles is the same as the number of red tiles. A possible value of the number of tiles along the edge of the floor is A. 10 B. 12 C. 14 D. 16

Sample Questions for MBACIT

1 C. V. Raman won the Noble Prize for

3. Bioscience 4. Chemistry 5. Economics 6. Physics


The value of the variable which occurs most frequently in a distribution is called – A) Mode B) Mean C) Median D) All of these

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2 A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s autobiography is titled A) Ignited minds B) The Argumentative Indian C) The Alchemist D) Wings of Fire

3 SEZ Stands for A) Special economic zone B) Suez Canal C) Select enterprise zone D) Specific elite zone 4 A wheel makes 1000 revolutions in covering a distance of 88 Km. The diameter of the wheel is: A) 24 meter B) 40 meter C) 28 meter D) 14 meter

5 The difference between the ages of two persons is 10 years. 15 years ago, if the elder one was twice as old as the younger one, their present ages are A) 35, 25 B) 45, 35 C) 33, 23 D) 30, 20

6 The sale of Goods Act came into force from – A) July 1, 1932 B) July 1, 1930 C) July 1, 1935 D) July 1, 1940





The arithmetic mean of a series is the figure obtained by dividing the sum of values all items by

E) 2 F) 3

G) 5 H) Their Number Which of the following is Business Averages? A) Moving average B) Progressive average C) Composite Average D) All of these Which type of software is focused on supporting communication, collaboration and coordination? A) Groupware B) CRM software C) E-business software D) SCM software When discussing email security, what is a Trojan Horse? A) A code hidden in another useful

program, which has a destructive function of some sort

B) The barrier or firewall through which all incoming email must pass.

C) Small computer program snippets that are designed to do some harm on their host

D) A destructive program that can spread itself automatically from one computer to the next within an email

Sample Questions for M.B.A. for Executives (MBAfEX)

Component 1: General Knowledge 1. In which organ of the human body would you find a cluster of cells which produce insulin?

A) Bile B) Liver C) Pancreas D) Brain

2. Which area in India is the only breeding ground of the flamingo?

A) Rann of Kutch B) North East C) Himalayas D) Bay of Bengal

3. Which was the first Capital of Pakistan?

A) Karachi B) Lahore C) Islamabad D) Peshawar

4. Which Olympic did Mikha Singh break the world record in the 400 meters event?

A) Rome B) Athens C) Beijing D) None of the above

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5. Kuchipudi is a dance form of A) Tamil Nadu B) Orissa C) Kerala D) None of the above

Component II: Economic and Business Environment Awareness 1. A mixed economy is necessarily a ______________ economy.

A) Controlled B) Planned C) Organised D) None of the above

2. Which of the following internal factors influence the strategy and other decisions of the business?

A) Value System B) Mission and objective C) Management structure and nature D) None of the above

3. Environment is synonymous with ______________

A) Task B) Relations C) People D) Situational variables

4. Which is the full form of NTC?

A) National Thermal Corporation B) National Textile Corporation C) Non-Textile Corporation D) None of the above

6. In which sector Indian Economy is growing at faster rate in 21st century (after 2000) __________

A) Service B) Agriculture C) Manufacturing D) Public

Component III: Data Interpretation and Problem Solving According to the survey of 2000 educated unemployed persons in which 1200 were men and 800 were women, the following data were collected. Qualification Unemployed Men Unemployed Women Doctors 12.5% 15% Engineers 20.0% 7.5% Trained Teachers 15.0% 22.5% Post-Graduates 22.5% 25.0% Graduates 30.0% 30.0%

1. On the basis of above Table, what is the difference between the number of unemployed men and women doctors? A) 20 B) 30 C) 40 D) None of the above

2. What is the total number of unemployed Graduates?

A) 425 B) 475 C) 550 D) 600

3. What is the total number of Engineers?

A) 300 B) 350 C) 360 D) 400

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4. In which category, unemployed men are more in percentage than unemployed women A) Doctors B) Engineers C) Post Graduates D) Graduates

Component IV: Numerical Ability

1. How many pillars are needed to construct a bridge of 300 meters long, if pillars are at a distance of 12 ½ meters each? A) 22 B) 24 C) 25 D) None of the above

2. If 5 x 8 = 28, 3 x 7 = 12, 8 x 6 = 35, then find the value of 13 x 13 =?

A) 169 B) 130 C) 140 D) 144

3. The ratio of boys and girls in a school is 3:2. 20% of boys and 25% of girls are scholarships holders. The

percentage of students who are scholarship holders are: A) 45 B) 53 C) 60 D) 22

4. In a class M is 9th from the top, S is 8th from the bottom and R is exactly in between them. If there are three

children between M and R, find out the total students A) 24 B) 25 C) 23 D) 27

5. 3, 5, 9, 17, 13, _________

A) 44 B) 65 C) 64 D) 49

Component V: Verbal Ability and Reasoning 1. Disease : Health :: Freedom : ?

A) Slavery B) Pleasure C) Plight D) Beauty

2. If you are going to west in the afternoon, the sun will be visible at your left.

A) Never B) Always C) Sometimes D) Often

3. Fill in the blank with the most suitable alternative. He shouted ______________ at the subordinate.

A) Loud B) Loudily C) Loudely D) Loudingly

4. J, F, M, A, M, ?

A) M B) J C) D D) S

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5. In a military code CAUTION is coded as VACITNO. How will you uncode MISUNDERSTAND? A) SIMUNEDSRTAND B) SIMNUEDSRATDN C) SMIUNDERSTAND D) None of the above

Component VI: English Comprehension The most important reason for this state of affairs, perhaps, is that India was the only country in the world to truly recognize the achievements of the Soviet-Union-rather than merely focus on the de-bilitating faults that Communism brought to its people. The people of India realized that the achievement of one hundred per cent literacy in a country much, much larger than its own and with similarly complicated ethnic and religious groupings, the rapid industrialization of a nation that was a primarily agrarian society when the Bolshevik revolution took place in 1917; the attendant revolutionary steps in science and technology, the accessibility of health care (primeval according to Western standards, perhaps, but not according to India ones) to the general population, and despite prohibition of the government of the time the vast outpourings in literature, music, art, etc., are momentous and remarkable feats in any country. In contrast, all that the West focused on were the massive human rights violations by the Soviet State on its people, the deliberate uprooting, and mass migrations of ethnic peoples from one part of the country to another in the name of industrialization, the end of religion in short, all the tools of information were employed to condemn the ideology of Communism, so much at variance with capitalist thinking. The difference with the Indian perception, I think here is, that while the Indians reacted as negatively to what the Soviet governments did to its people in the name of good governance (witness the imprisonment of Boris Pasternak and the formation of an intentional committee to put pressure for his release with Jawaharlal Nehru at its head), they took the pain not to condemn the people of that broad country in black and white terms; they understood that mingled in the shades of gray were grains of uniqueness. (The Russians have never failed that characteristic in themselves; they have twice experimented with completely different ideologies, Communism and Capitalism both in the space of century).

a. Which of the following statements according to the passage is correct?

(a) India took heed “On the week faults of Russian policies and system. (b) India seriously commended the achievement of Russian, i.e. cent per cent literacy and rapid

industrialization. (c) The process of industrialization had already started when Russian revolution took place in 1917. (d) The literature, art and music received a setback during the communist regime in Russia.

b. The West did not focus on: (a) Rapid growth of nuclear weapons in Russia (b) Massive human rights violation by the Soviet state on its people. (c) Deliberate uprooting and mass migration of ethnic people in the name of industrialization. (d) Both (b) and (c)

c. The Indian perception of the USSR was always (a) Negative (b) Neutral (c) Counter – reactionary (d) Applauding

d. The passage is (a) Descriptive (b) Paradoxical (c) Analytical (d) Thought provoking

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Sample Questions for M.P. Ed.






India played hockey for the first time on Olympic Games in:

A) 1924, Paris (France) B) 1928, Amsterdam C) 1932, Los Angles (USA) D) 1938, Berlin (Germany)

“A state of complete physical mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This statement which defines health is given by:

A) UNESCO B) UNICEF C) WHO D) Red Cross Three of the following are alike in a certain way and so they form a group. Which is the one does not belong to the group? A) Basketball B) Volleyball C) Hockey D) Table Tennis The Sacrum consists of: A) 3 Vertebraes B) 4 Vertebraes C) 5 Vertebraes D) 7 Vertebraes The chief sources of vitamin A is:

A) Banana B) Egg C) Carrot D) Guava






What is the stick used in snooker called: A) A Cue B) Heave C) Paddle D) Togo

“Shivanthi Gold Cup” is associated with the game of:

A) Hockey B) Football C) Volleyball D) Badminton

What is the normal life span of RBC’s? A) 60 days B) 90 days C) 120 days D) 150 days Chronological age is calculated with the help of A) Mental qualities B) X-rays C) Calendar years D) Organs and secretions YMCA College of Physical Education (Madras) was established in: A) 1956 B) 1920 C) 1931 D) 1932

Sample Questions for B.P. Ed.






The ‘Santosh Trophy’ tournament first began in: A) 1940 B) 1941 C) 1942 D) 1945 Who is the first teacher of a child? A) Teacher B) His Parents C) His environment D) His own conscious mind The first Modern Olympic games were held in the year: A) 1892 B) 1896 C) 1900 D) 1904 Find the odd personality: A) Baichung Bhutia B) Kapil Dev C) Pete Sampras D) Jarnail singh Which of the following tournaments is not a part of Grand Slam Tennis? A) Australian Open B) Wimbledon C) U.S. Open D) German Open






Which one of the following is different from the rest of the three? A) Footbal B) Basketball C) Cricket D) Tennis The name of ‘Tiger Woods’ is associated with:

A) Boxing B) B) Tennis C) Football D) Golf

Thomas Cup’ is associated with: A) Badminton (women) B) Badminton (men) C) Table Tennis (women) D) Table Tennis (men)

Most import ant component of level of living is?

A) Health B) Occupation C) Education D) Housing

Vinay is taller than Manu, but not as tall as Yogesh, Karim is taller than Dillip but shorter than Manu, Who is the tallest among them?

A) Vinay B) Yogesh C) Karim D) Manu

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Sample Questions for M.Sc. (Hons. School) Biochemistry






In mammals nor-epinephrine is synthesized from: A) Pyruvate B) Arginine C) Catechol D) Tyrosine Hyperglycemic agent secreted by the pancreas is: A) Insulin B) Lipase C) Glucagon D) FSH Feeding of raw egg may result in the deficiency of: A) Vitamin A B) Choline C) Biotin D) Riboflavin What role RNA plays in the replication of DNA: A) It acts as template B) It acts as primer C) It acts as cofactor D) It is essential activator of DNA

polymerase Which of the following is not involved in antigen – antibody binding: A) Hydrogen bonds B) Ionic Bonds C) Hydrophobic Interactions D) Disulphide Bonds






The movement of ions through ion channels can be measured with the help of: A) Extra cellular electrode B) Intra cellular electrode C) Patch – clamp technique D) Liposome fusion technique

The synthesis of most neuronal proteins occurs in the: A) Cell body B) Axon C) Synapses D) Dendrites

Which of the following amino acid does not form peptide bond: A) Cysteine B) Proline C) Lysine D) Glycine

Lysozyme is an enzyme which: A) Hydrolyses bacterial cell wall B) Is made up of RNA C) Contains phospholipids D) Breaks lipoproteins

Formation of uric acid from purines is catalysed by: A) Urease B) Uricase C) Xanthine oxidase D) Adenosine deaminase

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Sample Questions for M.Sc. (Hons. School) Biophysics











If A¯ + B¯ = 0¯ A) Vector A¯ and B¯ are perpendicular

to each other. B) Vector A¯ and B¯ are necessarily

parallel. C) Vector A¯ and B¯ must be

antiparallel. D) Vector A¯ and B¯ may be parallel or

antiparallel. The minimum charge on a body can be: A) one coulomb B) one stat coulomb C) 1.6*10 -19 coulomb D) 3.2 x 10 -19 coulomb

The potential due to an electric dipole varies A) inversely as the distance B) directly as the distance C) inversely as the square of distance D) directly as the square of distance

Which of these techniques does not give information about the dimensions of DNA molecule? A) Viscosity measurement B) light scattering C) flow-birefringence D) Atomic Absorption spectroscopy

Fluorescence of a protein can be due to A) tryptophan B) tyrosine C) phenylalanine D) all the above

The aromatic amino acids are important because: A) they are ionized by light of

wavelength 280mm. B) they are actually imino acids that

cannot rotate through the angle phi. C) they give proteins their absorbance at

280 nm D) they are source of disulfide bonds

within the exported proteins The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation states that: A) Pk = PH + log R B) PH = Pk + log R C) PH = pk –log R D) R = pk - pH

The proteins that run the fastest in SDS-PAGE are A) Large B) Small C) Negatively charged D) Positively charged

The auditions a ≠ b≠ c, α = γ=90o β ≠ 90- describe the ……Unit cell A) tetragonal B) orthorhombic C) monoclinic D) trigonal

The electromagnetic radiation with longest wavelength. is: A) Visible Light B) Radiowaves C) Microwaves D) IR










21 22.

Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique for the identification of molecules by way of measuring their: A) mass only B) charge only C) mass to charge ratio B) charge to mass ratio Micro array analysis is used for A) quantization of gene expression B) to check the quality of gene

expression C) for measuring the copy number D) to identity new genes Component of atom involved in study of structure with X-ray crystallography A) Nucleus B) Electron C) proton D) Neutrons The radius of an atom is approximately A) 10-10 m B) 10-12 m C) 10-13 m D) 10-16 m Rays similar to x-rays but of smaller wavelength that are given off by radioactive Substances are A) alpha rays B) beta rays C) gamma rays D) cosmic rays Antiparticle of electron is A) proton B) Antiproton C) Positron D) Neutron Atomic force microscope was invented in which year: A) 1972 B) 1986 C) 2001 D) 1980 Nucleic acid absorption (A260) changes in different states. It is maximum when it is: A) Double stranded B) Single stranded C) All nucleotides are separated D) Fragmented Which out of these is not a connective tissue: A) Cartilage B) bone C) muscle D) blood Which of these is not a characteristic of the Cardiac muscle: A) nonstriated B) Presence of intercalated disc C) Involuntary D) Presence of actin and myosin

filaments. Fertilization occurs in which region of female reproductive part: A) Infundibulum B) ampulla C) Isthmus D) Uterus

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Of the following which has got the highest frequency? A) ultraviolet rays B) gamma rays C) radio waves D) infrared waves


Brunner glands are present in: A) Colon B) jejunum C) duodenum D) ileum

Sample Questions for M.Sc. (Hons. School) in Computer Science






Who is original developer of Linux, the free UNIX clone on the PC? A) Bill Gates B) Linus Torvalds C) Dennis Ritchie D) Richard Stallman In the context of Open Source technologies, what is the meaning of OSI and FSF acronyms/abbreviations? A) Open System Interconnection and

Flight Safety Foundation B) Open System Interchange and

Flight Safety Foundation C) Open Source Initiative and Free

Software Foundation D) Open Source Instrument and

Financial Stability Forum The binary equivalent of the decimal number 0.4375 is A) 0.0111 B) 0.1011 C) 0.1100 D) 0.1010 Which of the following logic families is well suited for high speed operation? A) TTL B) ECL C) MOS D) CMOS Computer Network Topology is the physical layout of a LAN. The network topology with the highest reliability is A) Bus topology B) Star topology C) Ring topology D) Mesh topology






The extent to which the software can continue to operate correctly despite the introduction of invalid input is called A) Reliability B) Robustness C) Fault-tolerance D) Portability In Java, the constants that cannot be changed are declared using the keyword A) Final B) Static C) Abstract D) Immutable A machine took 200 seconds to sort 200 names, using bubble sort. In 800 seconds it can approximately sort A) 400 names B) 800 names C) 750 names D) 600 names Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second? A) Dynamic RAM B) EPROM C) Static RAM D) ROM In 1964, Douglas Engelbart demonstrated the world’s first: A) Mouse B) Tape Drive C) Vacuum Tube D) Solid Sate Memory

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Sample Questions for M.Sc. (Hons. School) Mathematics 1.





Let G be a group of order 147. For any Ga ∈ ,

ea ≠ , the number of solutions of ax =2 is A) 49 B) one C) three D) zero

In the ring [ ]iZ , where Z is the ring of integers, the element i−1 A) is both irreducible as well as prime B) is neither irreducible nor prime C) is irreducible but not prime D) is prime but not irreducible

The equation of the tangent to the curve ),( yxf =0 at any point ),( ba is given by

A) 0),()(),()( =



− baxfbyba


B) 0),()(),()( =∂∂


− baxfbyba


C) 0),()(),()( =∂∂


− baxfaxba

yfby 6

(D) 0),()(),()( =∂∂


− bayfbyba


Two spheres

zyx ++ 22 2 0222 1111 =++++ dzwyvxu 0222 2222

222 =++++++ dzwyvxuzyx

cut each other orthogonally if (A)

21212121 222 ddwwvvuu +=++ (B) 0212121 =++ wwvvuu

(C) 2













(D) )()(2)(2)(2 21212121 ddwwvvuu −=−+−+− The series ∑ pnn )(log

1 is

(A) convergent if 0>p (B) convergent if 1>p (C) divergent if 1>p (D) convergent if 10 << p






The integrating factor of the differential 342 xxy


=+∂∂ is

given by (A) ye 2 (B) 2xe (C) xe D) ye If 232

111 3( zyyxzyx −=φ , then

φ∇ at the point )1,2,1( − is (A) ∧∧∧

−−− kji 16912 (B) ∧∧∧

−+ kji 16912 (C) ∧

− i12∧∧

++ kj 169 (D) ∧∧

+− ji 912∧

− k16 If one root of the equation

01891513 23 =++− xxx exceeds the other by 2, then all the roots are (A) 7, 9 and 3 (B) -7, -9 and -3 (C) 7, 9 and –3 (D) -7, -9 and 3 Two forces 13 kg.wt. and 33 kg.wt.

act on a particle at an angle θ and equal to a resultant force of 14 kg.wt., then the angle between the forces is (A) 450 (B) 300 (C) 600

(D) 900 Let

1W and 2W be subspaces of

dimensions 5 and 4 respectively of a vector space V of dimension 6. Then dim )( 21 WW ∩ is (A) Zero (B) one (C) at most two (D) at least three

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Sample Questions for M.Sc. (Environment) 1.




A thin copper wire of length one metre increases in length by 4% when heated by 10oC. What will be the per cent increase in area when a square copper sheet of side one metre is heated by 10oC? A) 4% B) 8% C) 16% D) 24% If the unit of length and force are increased by 4 times, the unit of energy gets increased by how many times? A) 4 times B) 8 times C) 16 times D) does not change The scientific principle involved in radio and television is: A) Superconductivity B) Semiconductiography C) Propagation of e.m. waves D) Electromagnetic induction A passenger in a moving train tosses a coin. If it falls behind him, the train must be moving with A) An acceleration B) A deceleration






Which of the following is a deadly nerve gas developed during the second world war? A) Nitric oxide B) Phosgene C) Sarine D) Dioxin The natural rubber obtained from trees is made of: A) Isoprene units B) Vinyl chloride C) Acetylene D) Neoprene

Which of the following is differentially permeable? A) Cell wall B) Tonoplast C) Nuclear membrane D) Cytoplasm

Which of the following prevents leaf shedding in plant? A) Auxins B) Gibberellins C) Cytokinins D) Abscisic acid Sugar in chloroplast is synthesized in: A) Quantasomes

Sample Questions for M.Sc. 2-Year Course Bioinformatics/ System Biology and Bioinformatics






Which are the repositories for raw sequence data A) Gen Bank B) EMBL C) DDBJ D) GGPP Which of the following annotation is not provided by SWISS-PROT A) Protein function B) Domain structure C) Post translation modification D) Crystal formations Which is the most important computer language used in Bioinformatics A) Pascal B) Perl C) Java D) C++ Which type of analysis cannot be performed on raw DNA sequence using Bioinformatics tools A) Identifying coding regions B) Identification of introns and exons C) Gene product prediction D) Identifying cis and trans regions OMIM is engaged in study of A) Human molecular Biology B) Plant molecular biology C) Bacterial molecular biology D) Yeast Molecular biology






Which of the following sequence is correct: A) DNA, RNA, Protein B) DNA, Protein, RNA C) RNA, DNA, Protein D) Protein, DNA, RNA Which is not the method of protein/DNA sequence alignment A) Matrix B) Brute force C) Dynamic programming D) Heuristic methods The method not used in NSA programming is A) Sum of pairs methods B) Spare alignment C) Two step method D) Fitch/Margoliosh method

Distance matrix method are used for A) Carbohydrate structure prediction B) Proteins structure prediction C) Phylogenetic analysis D) Primer design

FASTA-BLAST, WU-BLAST are programmes used for determining A) Sequence similarity of Protein only B) Sequence similarity of DNA only C) Sequence similarity of Carbohydrate

only D) Sequence similarity of Protein and


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C) Uniform speed D) It can never happen Zero error of an instrument introduces: A) Systematic error B) Random error C) Per cent error D) Means no error

The Science of surveying and mapping the earth’s surface is known as: A) Cartography B) Geodesy C) Topography D) Scienodsy

The gravitational force with which a body is attracted towards the earth is A) Maximum at the equator and minimum

at the poles B) Minimum at the equator and maximum

at the poles C) The same at the equator and the poles D) Depends on the altitude at the given


Which of the following is used as an antiseptic? A) Iodine B) Bromine C) Chlorine D) Fluorine Washing soaps produces a scum with hard water and not much of foam, because the hard water contains: A) Many suspended particles B) Many dissolved inorganic salts C) Chalk and sulphur D) Dissolved organic matter







B) Stroma C) Thylakoids D) Matrix The structure of protoplasm is: A) Granular B) Fibrillar C) Reticular D) Colloidal Matrix

Which of the following could be ‘cancer’ of the lymph nodes and spleen? A) Carcinoma B) Sarcoma C) Leukemia D) Lymphoma The major component of Bacterial cell wall is A) Xylan B) Chitin C) Peptidoglycan D) Cellulose

How many bones does the Cranium of man have? A) 8 B) 12 C) 16 D) 20

When is the world Population day celebrated? A) August 3 B) April 16 C) October 18 D) July 11 In a Nuclear Reactor the heavy water is used to : A) cool the neutrons B) slow down the neutrons C) absorb the neutrons D) control the number of neutrons

Sample Questions for M.Sc. (Human Genomics)




Which one of the following is an essential component of DNA? A) Protein B) Carbohydrate C) Lipids D) Vitamins Three types of RNA involved in comprising the structural and functional core for protein synthesis, serving as a template for translation, and transporting amino acid, respectively, are: A) mRNA, tRNA, rRNA B) rRNA, tRNA, mRNA C) tRNA, mRNA, rRNA D) rRNA, mRNA ,tRNA A synthetic mRNA of repeating sequence 5'-CACACACACACACACAC... is used for a cell-free protein synthesizing system like the one used by Nuremberg. If we assume that protein synthesis can begin without the need for an initiator codon, what product or products would you expect to occur after protein synthesis. A) One protein consisting of a single

amino acid B) Three proteins , each consisting of a

different , single amino acid





Signaling between cells usually results in the activation of protein A) lipase B) kinases C) proteases D) nuclease Highly repetitive DNA has A) a very short repeating sequence

and no coding function B) a moderate repeating sequence

and a coding for house keeping gene

C) a simple repeat sequence and no coding function

D) None of the above From which grandparent or grandparents did you inherit your mitochondria? Is it your: A) mother's parents B) paternal grandfather C) grand mothers D) maternal grandmother What are the possible blood types of the offspring of a cross between individuals that are type AB and type O? (Hint: blood type O is recessive)

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C) One protein, with an alternating sequence of two different amino acids

D) Two proteins, each with an alternating sequence of two different amino acids.

A replicon is: A) an enzyme complex that replicates

DNA B) the amount of time required to duplicate

a genome C) larger in complex eukaryotes and

smaller in bacteria D) the DNA sequences that specify and

are replicated by a single replication initiation event



A) AB or O B) A, B, or O C) A or B D) A, B, AB, or O

A woman with an X-linked dominant disorder mates with a phenotypically normal male. On average, what proportion of this couple's daughters will be affected with the disorder? A) 0.5 B) 1.0 C) 0.75 D) 0.25

A messenger acid is 336 nucleotides long, including the initiator and termination codons. The number of amino acids in the protein translated from this mRNA is: A) 999 B) 630 C) 330 D) 111

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Sample Questions for M.Sc. in Nuclear Medicine






We can’t produce colors with white light through: A) Interference B) Polarization C) Diffraction D) Dispersion Methods of Fourier Transformation are applied in A) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance B) X-ray crystallography C) Medical Imaging D) All of the above Which one of the following is correctly matched? A) Chloroplast – storage of enzymes B) Lysosome – powerhouse of cell C) Nucleolus – stie of ribosomal

synthesis D) Glyoxysome – structural support of

cell Which amino acid can stabilize protein structure by forming covalent cross links between polypeptide chins? A) Ser B) Gly C) Glu D) Cys In CT imaging the phenomenon used is A) Radiation absorption B) Radiation damage C) Free radical formation D) Radiation fluorescence






Macrophage – like cells in the connective tissue are A) Osteoclasts B) Mesanglial cells C) Histiocytes D) Microglial cells Zinc finger proteins and helix-turn-helix proteins are: A) Types of DNA-binding proteins B) Involved in the control of translation C) Components of ribosomes D) Part of the hemoglobin in blood

cells Transcription of DNA into mRNA is catalyzed by A) DNA polymerase B) RNA synthetase C) RNA polymerase D) Rnase Which nitrogenous bases is NOT found in DNA? A) Thymine B) Uracil C) Adenine D) gunanine How would the complementary strand of DNA appear if the original strand of DNA contained the bases T-A-G-C in the order? A) U-A-C-G B) G-C-A-T C) T-A-C-G D) A-T-C-G

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Sample Question for M.Sc. (2-Year Course) Microbial Biotechnology

1. Which of the following microbes is the biological indicator for autoclaving? a. Bacillus stearothermophilus b. Coxiella burnetii c. Mycobacterium tuberculosis d. Bacillus subtilis 2. Which is the first free living organism whose complete genome was sequenced? a. Haemophilus influenzae b. Escherichia coli c. Saccharomyces cerevisiae d. Staphylococcus aureus 3. Which one of the following processes refers to removal of only pathogenic organisms from an animate surface? a. Disinfection b. Antisepsis c. Tyndallization d. Inssipation 4. Which of the following genetic processes involves uptake of naked DNA? a. Conjugation b. Transduction c. Transformation d. All the above 5. In the double helix model of DNA, how far is each base pair from the next one? a. 0.034 nm b. 0.34 nm c. 34 nm d. 3.4 nm

6.Gelling properties of agarose are due to a. Covalent bonds b. Ionic bonds c. Hydrogen bonds d. Both a and b 7. Which pair of amino acids absorbs the most UV light at 290 nm? a. Threonine and Histidine b. Tryptophan and tyrosine c. Cysteine and Asparagine d. Alanine and Proline 8. Which of the following is a lambda phage derived cloning vector? a. pYAC b. EMBL3 c. M13mp8 d. pBR322 9. Amongst the different antibody classes, which of the following do not harbor Hinge region? a. IgG, IgD and IgA b. IgA and IgD c. IgM and IgE d. IgM and IgA 10. Which microbe is involved in the production of tempeh, a soyabean product? a. Rhizopus b. Aspergillus c. Escherichia coli Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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Sample Questions for M.Sc. in Biotechnology

1. Correct sequence of stages in cell cycle is A) G1, S, G2, M B) S, G2, M, G1 C) G1, G2, M, S D) G1, G2, S, M

2. Which of the following does not contain both DNA and RNA? A) Yeast B) Bacteria C) Mycoplasma D) Virus

3. Which of the following is not an antibacterial antibiotic

A) Tetracyclin B) Ampicillin C) Nystatin D) Nalidixic acid

4. The development of egg without fertilization is

called A) Blastgenesis B) Parthenogenesis C) Cogenesis D) Gametogenesis E) 5. TATA box and Pribnow box are components of A) Operators B) Promoters C) Enhancers D) Activators 6. Peptide chain elongation involves all the

following except A) peptidyl transferas B) GTP C) Tu, Ts and G factors D) Formyl tRNA





The smallest unit of DNA capable of coding for the synthesis of a polypeptide is the A) Operon B) cistron C) promoter D) replicon Exonuclease is an enzyme, which cleaves DNA from A) 3’ end B) 5’ end C) both 3’ and 5’ end D) internal bonds in DNA Which of the following is not part of the lac operon of E. coli? A) genes for inducible enzymes of

lactose metabolism B) genes for the repressor, a

regulatory protein C) gene for RNA polymerase D) a promoter, the RNA

polymerase binding site Which of the following primers would allow copying of the single-stranded DNA sequence 5' ATGCCTAGGTC? A) 5’ ATGCC, B) 5’ TACGG C) 5’ CTGGA D) 5’ GACCT

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Sample Questions for M.Sc. (Hons. School) Botany







In C4 plants the first CO2 acceptor is : A) Ribulose – 1,5-bisphosphate B) Phosphenol pyruvate C) Pyruvate D) Ribulose-5-phosphate In majority of angiosperms, the female gametophyte at the time of fertilization is : A) 8-celled B) 7-celled C) 6-celled D) 4-celled Agar-agar is extracted from which of the following genera A) Gracilaria B) Dictyota C) Ectocarpus D) Laminaria Black rust of wheat is caused by : A) Ustilago tritici B) Puccinia graminis tritici C) Protomyces macrosporus D) Albugo candida Oomycota is a phylum in kingdom: A) Fungi B) Chromista C) Protozoa D) Mycota Cystidium is a A) Sterile element occurring in the

hymenium of certain Basidiomycetes B) Reproductive organ of a green alga C) Fertile part of lichen thallus D) Asexual spore





Most bryophytes are autotrophic but a few are more or less saprophytic. Which of the following is totally devoid of chlorophyll and depends upon a mycorrhizal association for its growth and development? A) Cyptothallus mirabilis B) Funaria hygromitrica C) Concephalum conium D) Pellia epiphylla Somaclonal variations are: A) Variations produced during tissue

culture B) Variations produced during sexual

reproduction C) Variations caused by mutagenic

chemicals D) Variations caused by Gamma rays Trisomic condition is expressed as A) 2n-1 B) 2n-2 C) 2n+1 D) 2n+2

The functional unit in ecology is the: A) Organism B) Biosphere C) Ecosystem D) Population

Sample Questions for M.Sc. (Hons. School) 2-Year Course Chemistry 1.




Anti-Markonikoff cis-hydration of an alkene can be achieved by using A) Catalytic hydrogenation B) Li / liq. NH3 reduction C) Alkaline KMnO4 solution D) Hydroboration-oxidation Beckmann rearrangement converts an oxime into A) an amine B) carbamate C) a substituted hydrazine D) an amide The configuration of the following stereoisomer

A) 2R, 3R B) 2S, 3R C) 2R, 3S D) 2S, 3S Which of the following is expected to have least paramagnetic character? A) [Co(NH3)6]3+

B) [Fe(H2O)6]3+






1g ice absorbs 335 J of heat to melt at 0 °C. The entropy change will be A) 1.2 JK-1mol-1 B) 335 JK-1mol-1 C) 22.1 JK-1mol-1 D) 0.8 JK-1mol-1 Two moles of HI were heated in a sealed tube at 440 °C till the equilibrium was reached. HI was found to be 22 % dissociated. The equilibrium constant for dissociation is B) 0.282 B) 0.0796 C) 0.0199 D) 1.99 During biological nitrogen fixation, nitrifying bacteria convert A) NO3 to NH4 B) N2 to NH4 C) NH4to NO3 D) NO3 to N2

Which of the following state is stablest for p2 configuration? A) 1D2 B) 3P2

C) 1S0

D) 3P0

Which of the following has lowest CO stretching frequency?

A) Ni(CO)4



Cl H

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C) [Cr(CN)6]3- D) [CoF6]3-

The freezing point of 0.1M solution of glucose is -1.86 °C. If an equal volume of 0.3 M glucose is added, the freezing point of the mixture will be

A) –7.44 °C B) –5.58°C C) –3.27 °C D) –2.79 °C

B) Cr(CO)6 C) [Fe(CO)4]2- D) [Mn(CO)6]+

Sample Questions for M.Sc. (Hons. School) Physics/ Physics & Electronics/ Medical Physics






Two electrons move in opposite directions at 0.70 c as measured in the laboratory. The speed of one electron as measured from the other is:-

A) 0.35c B) 0.70c C) 0.94c D) 1.00 c

Which one of the following transformations is second order phase transition? A) Ferromagnetic state to the

paramagnetic state B) Melting of ice C) Evaporation of materials D) Solidification of materials. For which one of the following signal we requie an amplifier with minimum bandwidth: A) Sine wave B) Square wave C) Triangular wave D) Saw tooth wave

Two of maxwell’s equations contain an integral over a closed surface. For them the infinitesimal vector area dA is always: A) Tangent to the surface B) Tangent to the field line C) Perpendicular to the surface and

pointing inward. D) Perpendicular to the surface and

pointing outward. For the domestic ac supply of 220V, the breakdown voltage of a diode should be: A) 130V B) 163V C) 220V D) 330V






When the gate voltage becomes more negative in n-channel JFET, the channel between depletion layers: A) Shrinks B) Expands C) Conducts D) Stops conducting Space quantization means that:

A) Space is quantized B) L and U are in the same direction.

C) C) Lz can have discrete values. D) D) An electron has magnetic dipole


The electron density of states for a metal depends primarily on: A) The temperature B) The energy associated with the

state C) The size of the sample. D) The mass of the sample.

Some alpha emitters have longer half-lives than others because: A) Their alpha particles have greater

mass. B) Their alpha particles have less

mass C) Their potential barriers to decay

are higher and wider D) Their decays include the emission

of photons. In an alpha decay the disintegration energy appears mainly as A) Photon energies B) The kinetic energies of the alpha

and the daughter nucleus C) The excitation energy of the

daughter nucleus D) heat

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Sample Questions for M.Sc. (Hons. School/ 2-Year Course) Zoology






The organelle which is common in the Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes is A) Nuclear wall B) Golgi body C) Ribosome D) Mitochondria In the Human genome project which country was not involved A) France B) India C) USA D) UK The best animal for the study of Developmental Biology experiments is A) Fish B) Pigeon C) Turtle D) Caenorhabditis

Only one of the following is to be considered as an Anamniote A) Amphibia B) Reptiles C) Aves D) Mammals In the neck of any mammal the number of vertebrae found are always A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 4







Detection of antibody in ELISA involves A) Antigen + 1st antibody + substrate B) Antigen + 1st antibody tagged with

HRP C) Antigen + 1st antibody + 2nd

antibody tagged with HRP D) Antigen + 1st antibody + 2nd

antibody tagged with HRP + substrate

Raptorial feet are present in A) Fowls, Pheasants, Quails B) Sparrows, Robins, Crows C) Herons, Snipes, Jacanas D) Vultures, Eagles, Owls ________ fin is the most primitive of caudal fins A) Iso cercal B) hom*o cercal C) Proto cercal D) Gephyro cercal The classification of Reptiles is based on A) Limbs B) Teeth C) Feeding habits D) Temporal vacuities Limbs and girdles are missing in A) Anurans B) Caecilians C) Apoda D) Chelonian Paramecium caudatum has A) Single Nucleus B) Two similar nuclei C) Two dissimilar nuclei D) Many nuclei

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What is the last date to apply for Punjab University 2024? ›

LAHORE: (Sunday, April 28, 2024): The Punjab University has launched the first phase of admissions in the undergraduate programs and has started the online registration of the candidates for the entry test. Entry test is mandatory for admissions in 2024 session for which candidates can register online till May 17.

What is the last date for Punjab University MSC entrance exam 2024? ›

Register Online.[last date for registration: June 05, 2024. Note down your Login Id and Password. Login to your account to pay fee through online mode only [last date for submission of fee through online mode only: June 05, 2024] After successful payment, complete your form .

How many entry tests are there in Punjab University? ›

As many as 7 different exams will be conducted for all undergraduate programs. According to spokesperson, PU undergraduate entrance test will be conducted in important cities of the country including Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, Gilgit, Sakrdu Dera Ismail Khan, Lahore etc.

Can I get admission in Panjab University without an entrance exam? ›

Admission to BE/BTech is done through JEE Main examination followed by counselling. While MBA, B.Sc, and LLB admissions are based on an entrance test conducted by the university. Panjab University also accepts national-level entrance tests such as NEET UG, NEET PG, NEET MDS, GPAT, etc.

Is Panjab University Chandigarh under CUET PG? ›

Yes, Punjab University is under CUET.

Can I do private MA from Punjab University? ›

He may, however, if otherwise eligible, appear as a private candidates, in the M.A/ M.Sc.

Is there any entrance exam for Panjab University? ›

Panjab University, Chandigarh, has unveiled the schedule for its 2024 entrance exams, facilitating admission to UG and PG programs. The Common Entrance Test for undergraduates is scheduled for May 12, 2024, while the PUCET for postgraduates is set for June 15 and 16.

When to start applying for college 2024? ›

When do college applications open for 2024-2025? The majority of college applications for the 2024-2025 application cycle open on August 1, 2024. This includes both the Common and Coalition Applications. Both applications allow you to apply to a wide variety of public and private institutions.

What is the last date for BA admission 2024 in Punjab? ›

A candidate who have completed their 10+2 in relevant streams are eligible to pursue the course. Panjab University BA Admission is ongoing, and the last date to apply was 02 July 2024.

Can I get late admission in Punjab University? ›

No one shall be admitted to a college University Teaching Department after the expiry of one month from the last date prescribed for admission by the University, provided that a late fee of Rs. 300-shall be paid to the University up to the fifteenth day and of Rs. 400- after the fifteenth day of the permissible period.

Is Punjab University under CUET 2024 UG? ›

Yes, Punjab University is under CUET. All postgraduate courses at Central University of Punjab, including the M.

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