Object Detection on Edge Device – Deploying YOLOv8 on OAK-D (2024)

Performing Object Detection on edge device is an exciting area for tech enthusiasts where we can implement powerful computer vision applications in compact, efficient packages. Here we showone such interesting embedded computer vision application by deploying models on a popular edge AI device OAK-D-Lite or OpenCV-AI-KIT.

In this article, we present a real-world application of edge AI by showing the procedure for running a fine-tuned pot-hole Object Detection model (YOLOv8) on OAK-D-Lite.

To learn more about OAK-D and its essential applications, we recommend that you bookmark our series on Stereo Depth and OAK-D.

By this article’s end, you can convert and deploy recent lightweight YOLO models on an OAK-D-Lite device.

The Object Detection with OAK-D-Lite deployment results can be found by scrolling down or clicking here right away.

YOLO Master Post – Every Model Explained

Unlock the full story behind all the YOLO models’ evolutionary journey: Dive into our extensive pillar post, where we unravel the evolution from YOLOv1 to YOLOv10. This essential guide is packed with insights, comparisons, and a deeper understanding that you won’t find anywhere else.
Don’t miss out on this comprehensive resource, Mastering All Yolo Models for a richer, more informed perspective on the YOLO series.

Object Detection on Edge Device – Deploying YOLOv8 on OAK-D (2)

Mastering All YOLO Models from YOLOv1 to YOLOv10: Papers Explained (2024)

  • Minimal Intro to OAK-D
  • DepthAI : Object Detection on Edge Device
  • Why OpenVINO IR?
    • Code Walkthrough : Object Detection on Edge Device
    • Model Conversion: YOLO Pytorch to MyriadX Blob Format
    • OAK-D-Lite Deployment
    • Inference Results
      • Key Takeaways : Object Detection on Edge Device
      • Conclusion
      • References

      Minimal Intro to OAK-D

      OAK-D-Lite by Luxonis has an Intel Myriad chip or VPU that can process 4 Trillion Neural Operations per second. As of 2024, It is priced at $149 USD, which makes it affordable for computer vision engineers to experiment with spatial AI.

      OAK-D-Lite is called the Swiss Army Knife of Computer Vision, which is true because of its form factor and impressive performance.

      Hardware Specs
      OAK-D-Lite has:

      • A 13 MP Color Camera
      • Depth FOV/ Horizontal FOV / Vertical FOV of 81° / 69° / 54°
      • Focus (AF: 8cm – ∞ OR FF: 50cm – ∞ )
      • Power Consumption: USB 3 C-Type Cable with 900mA at 5V

      OAK-D has IMU Sensors that can be used for robotics perception, navigation, localization, and motion tracking.

      Are you interested in reading further about robotics perception? Starting with our guide on Monocular SLAM with Python can give you good hands-on experience with SLAM and perception.

      Object Detection on Edge Device – Deploying YOLOv8 on OAK-D (4)

      DepthAI : Object Detection on Edge Device

      OAK-D uses a depthai pipeline to do inference and establishes connection between Host (raspberry pi or jetson nano or a laptop) with OAK-D-Lite (Device) via XLinkIn and XLinkOut.

      Note: The hardware configuration of the host devices can greatly impact the inference results. The inference results shown in this article were performed on a Host with an Intel i5 13th-gen machine.

      The dai.node.YoloDetectionNetwork expects the model to be in .blob format and the model config with hyperparameters in a .json file. The .blob format compiles the OpenVINO IR .xml containing model architecture and .bin containing model weights.

      Object Detection on Edge Device – Deploying YOLOv8 on OAK-D (6)

      Why OpenVINO IR?

      OpenVINO by Intel is an impressive library that can port almost any deep learning model to run in a highly optimized, efficient, and performant manner. As discussed earlier, OAK-D-Lite has an Intel VPU, so we can deploy and run our model with increased fps. OpenVINO supports a wide range of model formats like TensorFlow, PyTorch, MXNet, Caffe, Kaldi, ONXX etc.

      You may be interested in learning more about the OpenVINO Toolkit and Workbench, detour to our earlier post.

      Understanding the Dataset : Object Detection on Edge Device

      The Pot-hole Dataset contains a single class 0 : Pothole,

      • 6962 training images
      • 271 validation images

      The images contain varying driving scenes captured on car dash cams or street POV.

      Common Image Dimensions:

      • 512 x 512
      • 600 x 600
      • 1920 x 1080
      • 1024 x 1024
      • 720 x 720
      • 1280 x 720
      • 600 x 600 and so on

      Let’s jump into the code; we will start with the standard approach of fine-tuning YOLOv8 on Pothole dataset with Ultralytics.

      You can access the code featured here by pressing the ” Download Code ” button in the banner.

      Download CodeTo easily follow along this tutorial, please download code by clicking on the button below. It's FREE!

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      Code Walkthrough : Object Detection on Edge Device

      Install Dependencies

      !pip install ultralytics

      Import Dependencies

      import zipfileimport requestsimport cv2import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport globimport randomimport osimport jsonimport timefrom pathlib import Pathfrom ultralytics import YOLO

      Next, download the dataset from the provided Dropbox link and unzip it in the datasets directory

      os.makedirs('datasets', exist_ok=True)def download_file(url, save_name): url = url if not os.path.exists(save_name): file = requests.get(url) open(save_name, 'wb').write(file.content) download_file( 'https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvglw8pqo16769f/pothole_dataset_v8.zip?dl=1', 'pothole_dataset_v8.zip')# Unzip the data filedef unzip(zip_file=None): try: with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file) as z: z.extractall("./") print("Extracted all") except: print("Invalid file")unzip('pothole_dataset_v8.zip')
      %cd ..

      Creating a .yaml file for yolo training.

      The Ultralytics yolo training expects a yaml file that contains the root directory, path to train and val images, and class to index mapping (names).

      %%writefile pothole_v8.yamlpath: 'pothole_dataset_v8/'train: 'train/images'val: 'valid/images'# class namesnames: 0: 'pothole'

      Let’s run our training for 50 epochs using the default model configuration of unfreezing all the layers and monitoring the training logs.

      #training for 50 epoch.EPOCHS = 50!yolo task=detect mode=train model=yolov8n.pt imgsz=960 data=pothole_v8.yaml epochs={EPOCHS} batch=32 name=yolov8n_v8_50e

      Finally, the fine-tuned model results the following training logs,

      We have carried out a set of three experiments on the YOLOv8 nano model and achieved a highest [emailprotected] of 0.44 with img_sz = 960 and batch = 8.

      MODELTRAIN IMAGE SIZE[emailprotected]
      YOLOv8n( 640, 640 )0.332
      YOLOv8n( 960, 960 )0.44
      YOLOv8n( 1280, 1280 )0.40

      In the experiment notebooks attached to this article, you can find these metric logs.

      Next, we will run predictions on the entire validation set as a video inference to understand the robustness of our fine-tuned YOLOv8n model on the pothole dataset.

      !yolo task=detect \mode=predict \model=runs/detect/yolov8n_v8_50e3/weights/best.pt \source=datasets/pothole_dataset_v8/valid/images \imgsz=960 \name=yolov8n_v8_50e_infer640 \hide_labels=True

      Model Conversion: YOLO Pytorch to MyriadX Blob Format

      Let’s now discuss the interesting part of converting Yolo models to depthai (OAK-D-Lite) compatible formats. For this, we have several options:

      a) An easy approach is to use the Luxonis toolkit, which allows us to convert YOLOv5, YOLOv6, YOLOv8 to blob format by uploading the fine-tuned model weights and specifying the trained input image size.

      b) The second option would be to convert the YOLOv8 pytorch model to OpenVINO IR format directly using Ultralytics model.export(‘openvino’, imgsz) or to any other format.

      Ultralytics supported export formats are ('torchscript', 'onnx', 'openvino', 'engine', 'coreml', 'saved_model', 'pb', 'tflite', 'edgetpu', 'tfjs', 'paddle', 'ncnn'). 

      c) A step-by-step guide to convert the Pytorch model to OpenVINO

      A final choice or generic approach is to convert our model (either custom or pretrain weights) to ONNX( Open Neural Network Exchange) format and then to OpenVINO IR.

      # Define a dummy input tensor with the same size as the input the model expects, on the same device as the modelimport torchdummy_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 960, 960, device=DEVICE)onnx_path = Path(root) / "yolov8n-pothole.onxx" torch.onnx.export( model, dummy_input, str(onnx_path), # Convert Path to str opset_version = 11)

      While performing onxx conversion we have to make sure all the model layers defined are compatible with the opset version according to the openvino tool version that is used. Otherwise we will not be able to convert the model successfully and end up with undesirable errors or warnings.

      Then, using the OpenVINO library by providing the input shape, we can convert onxx to OpenVINO IR Format.

      !pip install -q openvino onnximport openvino as ovir_path = onnx_path.with_suffix(".xml")if not ir_path.exists(): print("Exporting ONNX model to IR... This may take a few minutes.") ov_model = ov.convert_model(onnx_path) ov.save_model(ov_model, ir_path)else: print(f"IR model {ir_path} already exists.")

      Alternatively, we can also convert our onxx model using the OpenVINO model optimizer by specifying the input shape, data type and target layout.

      !pip install -q openvino-dev==2022.3.0!mo --input_model yolov8n-pothole.onnx --input_shape [1,960,960,3] --data_type FP16 --target_layout nchw

      Finally the OpenVINO IR model can be compiled using the BlobConverter toolkit provided by Luxonis. Under the hood, a blob model is a wrapper that is built around OpenVINO toolkit by the Luxonis team.


      In OpenVINO, shaves are specialized processing unit that accelerate neural network inference, especially vector based operations. Usually there are 16 available shaves for OAK-D devices. This helps offload computationally expensive tasks from the main cpu to boost performance on inference workload.

      Note: By default, the blob model compiles the output layers in a FP16 data type.

      Guess what? The final step is to start our OAK-D-Lite deployment. Hold your excitement still!

      OAK-D-Lite Deployment

      Our entire Object detection model deployment on OAK-D with DepthAI pipeline looks similar to this,

      Install and import DepthAI dependencies,

      !python3 -m pip install depthai
      import depthai as dai

      Let’s specify the path to the model, hyperparameters config, input video, etc.

      The model configuration .json file contains:

      { "model": { "xml": "best.xml", "bin": "best.bin"}, "nn_config": { "output_format": "detection", "NN_family": "YOLO", "input_size": "960x960", "NN_specific_metadata": { "classes": 1, "coordinates": 4, "anchors": [], # As YOLOv8 has anchor free detections "anchor_masks": {}, "iou_threshold": 0.5, "confidence_threshold": 0.5 }}, "mappings": { "labels": [ "Class_0" ] }, "version": 1}

      Then, the camera resolution is set according to our trained model’s img_sz = (960,960).

      # Define path to the model, test data directory, and resultsYOLOV8N_MODEL = "yolov8_320_fps_check/result/best_openvino_2022.1_6shave.blob"YOLOV8N_CONFIG = "yolov8_320_fps_check/result/best.json"INPUT_VIDEO = "potholes-in-a-rural.mp4"OUTPUT_VIDEO = "vid_result/potholes-in-a-rural_output_video.mp4"CAMERA_PREVIEW_DIM = (960, 960)LABELS = ["Pot-hole"]def load_config(config_path): with open(config_path) as f: return json.load(f)

      Initially, we will start by creating an image pipeline utility with dai.Pipeline(). In the configuration JSON file, we will get the neural network-specific metadata like classes, coordinates, iou_threshold, confidence_threshold, etc.

      def create_image_pipeline(config_path, model_path): pipeline = dai.Pipeline() model_config = load_config(config_path) nnConfig = model_config.get("nn_config", {}) metadata = nnConfig.get("NN_specific_metadata", {}) classes = metadata.get("classes", {}) coordinates = metadata.get("coordinates", {}) anchors = metadata.get("anchors", {}) anchorMasks = metadata.get("anchor_masks", {}) iouThreshold = metadata.get("iou_threshold", {}) confidenceThreshold = metadata.get("confidence_threshold", {}) ...
      • The input to the nn model running on OAK-D-Lite (device) is sent using the XLinkIn node.
      • An instance of detection network is created for YolodetectionNetwork using pipeline.create()
      • Output from the model after inference is accessed via the XLinkOut node.
      • To access the input and output stream to the device, we will set a StreamName, which will set a unique name to each stream.
      def create_image_pipeline(config_path, model_path): ... detectionIN = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkIn) detectionNetwork = pipeline.create(dai.node.YoloDetectionNetwork) nnOut = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut) nnOut.setStreamName("nn") detectionIN.setStreamName("detection_in")

      Then the YoloDetectionNetwork initialized is configured with the metadata we got from our fine-tuned converted model. The Model is compiled using detectionNetwork.setBlobPath().

      def create_image_pipeline(config_path, model_path): ... detectionNetwork.setConfidenceThreshold(confidenceThreshold) detectionNetwork.setNumClasses(classes) detectionNetwork.setCoordinateSize(coordinates) detectionNetwork.setAnchors(anchors) detectionNetwork.setAnchorMasks(anchorMasks) detectionNetwork.setIouThreshold(iouThreshold) detectionNetwork.setBlobPath(model_path) detectionNetwork.setNumInferenceThreads(2) detectionNetwork.input.setBlocking(False) detectionIN.out.link(detectionNetwork.input) detectionNetwork.out.link(nnOut.input) return pipeline

      Next, a pipeline instance for our image pipeline is created for communication, flow of data etc., and the video is read using cv2.VideoCapture().

      # Create pipelinepipeline = create_image_pipeline(YOLOV8N_CONFIG, YOLOV8N_MODEL)# Ensure output directory existsos.makedirs(os.path.dirname(OUTPUT_VIDEO), exist_ok=True)cap = cv2.VideoCapture(INPUT_VIDEO)frame_width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))frame_height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)out = cv2.VideoWriter(OUTPUT_VIDEO, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), fps, (frame_width, frame_height))

      Pre-processing Utility:

      We will define two important pre-processing steps:

      • to_planar(): We ensure the input frame is resized to the inference image size or camera resolution we have set up earlier using CAMERA_PREVIEW_DIM. We also ensure proper model format, as the DepthAI detection network expects the input frame to be in CHW format.
      • frame_norm(): This utility is responsible for converting to normalized frames and ensures they are within a valid pixel range.
      def to_planar(arr: np.ndarray, shape: tuple) -> np.ndarray: resized = cv2.resize(arr, shape) return resized.transpose(2, 0, 1)def frame_norm(frame, bbox): norm_vals = np.full(len(bbox), frame.shape[0]) norm_vals[::2] = frame.shape[1] return (np.clip(np.array(bbox), 0, 1) * norm_vals).astype(int)

      Post-processing Utility:
      This is a simple utility for drawing the bounding boxes or annotating the inference frames and updating them with real-time FPS.

      def annotate_frame(frame, detections, fps): color = (0, 0, 255) for detection in detections: bbox = frame_norm(frame, (detection.xmin, detection.ymin, detection.xmax, detection.ymax)) cv2.putText(frame, LABELS[detection.label], (bbox[0] + 10, bbox[1] + 25), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 1, color) cv2.putText(frame, f"{int(detection.confidence * 100)}%", (bbox[0] + 10, bbox[1] + 60), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 1, color) cv2.rectangle(frame, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), color, 2) # Annotate the frame with the FPS cv2.putText(frame, f"FPS: {fps:.2f}", (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2) return frame
      • The following set of code set up the connection to the OAK-D-Lite device
      • The detection is responsible for sending the input to the inference model, and the detectionNN will receive the output from the nn model.
      • The video frames are continuously processed until it hits the last frame of the video which will be reshaped using to_planar() pre-processing utility.
      # Connect to device and start pipelinewith dai.Device(pipeline) as device: # Define the queues that will be used in order to communicate with depthai detectionIN = device.getInputQueue("detection_in") detectionNN = device.getOutputQueue("nn") start_time = time.time() frame_count = 0 while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = cap.read() if not ret: break frame_count += 1 # Initialize depthai NNData() class which is fed with the image data resized and transposed to model input shape nn_data = dai.NNData() nn_data.setLayer("input", to_planar(frame, CAMERA_PREVIEW_DIM))
      • After pre-processing, the prepared input frame is sent to the detection model for inference as queues for memory efficiency with the nn_data class instance.
      • The detection from the model is fetched using detectionIN.get(). If detections are found in a frame, they are stored as a list.

      If detections are found we will get a depthai image detection objects in our CLI,

      Detections [<depthai.ImgDetection object at 0x71adcafacd70>]

      Then, the annotate_frame() utility is called, and the output video with pot-hole detections is saved locally as a .mp4 file using cv2.VideoWriter().

      # Send the image to detectionIN queue further passed to the detection network for inference as defined in pipeline detectionIN.send(nn_data) # Fetch the neural network output inDet = detectionNN.get() detections = [] if inDet is not None: detections = inDet.detections print("Detections", detections) # Calculate the FPS elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time fps = frame_count / elapsed_time if elapsed_time > 0 else 0 # Annotate the frame with detections and FPS frame = annotate_frame(frame, detections, fps) out.write(frame)cap.release()out.release()print(f"[INFO] Processed video {INPUT_VIDEO} and saved to {OUTPUT_VIDEO}")
      Image Size (OAK-D-Lite)Video Inference (FPS)

      Note: The deployment pipeline should work with any OAK-D variants with difference in inference speed and supported image resolution.

      Inference Results

      Result 1

      Result 2

      Result 3

      This application is quite impressive. SCROLL UP to check out the implementation details – you might find them surprisingly interesting!

      Using OAK-D-Lite Camera Stream : Object Detection on Edge Device

      To infer using OAK-D RGB Camera Stream, simply change the image pipeline to create a camera pipeline. Additionally, we should also take into account how the frame is retrieved from the RGB camera stream and how it is sent to the detection network

      CAMERA_PREVIEW_DIM = (960, 960)LABELS = ["Pot-hole"]def create_camera_pipeline(config_path, model_path): pipeline = dai.Pipeline() model_config = load_config(config_path) nnConfig = model_config.get("nn_config", {}) metadata = nnConfig.get("NN_specific_metadata", {}) classes = metadata.get("classes", {}) coordinates = metadata.get("coordinates", {}) anchors = metadata.get("anchors", {}) anchorMasks = metadata.get("anchor_masks", {}) iouThreshold = metadata.get("iou_threshold", {}) confidenceThreshold = metadata.get("confidence_threshold", {}) # Create camera node camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera) camRgb.setPreviewSize(CAMERA_PREVIEW_DIM[0], CAMERA_PREVIEW_DIM[1]) camRgb.setInterleaved(False) camRgb.setBoardSocket(dai.CameraBoardSocket.RGB) camRgb.setResolution(dai.ColorCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_1080_P) detectionNetwork = pipeline.create(dai.node.YoloDetectionNetwork) nnOut = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut) nnOut.setStreamName("nn") detectionNetwork.setConfidenceThreshold(confidenceThreshold) detectionNetwork.setNumClasses(classes) detectionNetwork.setCoordinateSize(coordinates) detectionNetwork.setAnchors(anchors) detectionNetwork.setAnchorMasks(anchorMasks) detectionNetwork.setIouThreshold(iouThreshold) detectionNetwork.setBlobPath(model_path) detectionNetwork.setNumInferenceThreads(2) detectionNetwork.input.setBlocking(False) # Linking camRgb.preview.link(detectionNetwork.input) detectionNetwork.out.link(nnOut.input) return pipeline# Create pipelinepipeline = create_camera_pipeline(YOLOV8N_CONFIG, YOLOV8N_MODEL)# Connect to device and start pipelinewith dai.Device(pipeline) as device: # Define the queue that will be used to receive the neural network output detectionNN = device.getOutputQueue("nn", maxSize=4, blocking=False) # Video writer to save the output video fps = 30 # Assuming 30 FPS for the OAK-D camera frame_width, frame_height = CAMERA_PREVIEW_DIM out = cv2.VideoWriter(OUTPUT_VIDEO, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), fps, (frame_width, frame_height)) start_time = time.time() frame_count = 0 while True: inDet = detectionNN.get() detections = [] if inDet is not None: detections = inDet.detections print("Detections", detections) # Retrieve the frame from the camera preview frame = inDet.getFrame()#Other steps are similar to the previous code we have a discussed earlier.

      Congrats on deploying your fine-tuned model on an OAK-D device for the first time.

      Key Takeaways : Object Detection on Edge Device

      • Running optimized models on edge devices like OAK-D-Lite using OpenVINO toolkit showed promising results and were computationally efficient.
      • The future scope of this article can include exploring OpenVINO post training quantization and quantization aware training techniques that can be carried out with OpenVINO model conversion for optimizing the FPS and latency of our OAK-D-Lite device.
      • To enhance driver safety, we can extend this experiment by keeping this as a baseline and installing OAK-D-Lite with a Raspberry Pi or Jetson Nano as a Host on a vehicle’s driver seat as a monitoring system that indicates the forthcoming pot-holes in the lane detection.

      Having a career in robotics is a “Pursuit of Happiness”. For afoundational understanding, explore ourGetting Started with Robotics Series.


      Our objective of deploying an Object Detection Model on OAK-D has been achieved to the best of our knowledge. Now, you will be able to deploy the latest YOLO models on OAK-D devices in accordance with the DepthAI pipeline. For models other than YOLO, you can use the third instruction discussed in the Model Conversion section. You can build robust real world applications offering various possibilities by developing hands-on experience with deep neural models and edge AI devices.


      1. Luxonis Docs
      2. Object Detection on Edge Device – DepthAI Repository
      3. OpenVINO Documentation
      4. Ultralytics Model Export
      5. OpenVINO Post Training Quanitization

      Subscribe & Download Code

      If you liked this article and would like to download code (C++ and Python) and example images used in this post, please click here. Alternately, sign up to receive a free Computer Vision Resource Guide. In our newsletter, we share OpenCV tutorials and examples written in C++/Python, and Computer Vision and Machine Learning algorithms and news.

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      Object Detection on Edge Device – Deploying YOLOv8 on OAK-D (2024)
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      Author: Rubie Ullrich

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      Author information

      Name: Rubie Ullrich

      Birthday: 1998-02-02

      Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

      Phone: +2202978377583

      Job: Administration Engineer

      Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

      Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.