Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (2024)

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40K Proposed Rules » Your Own Unique characters in 40K» Go to message

Drenzyk the Abyssal

210 points

WS4 BS4 S5 T5 W3 I2 A3 Ld10 Sv 2+/3++

Sempiternal Weave
Phase Shifter
Mindshackle Scarabs
Blade of the Reaper: Drenzyk uses an unique warscythe that has a shard of the Nightbringer bounded to it. Drenzyk may use the Blade of the Reaper as either a normal warscythe, or he may unleash a single attack in close combat imbued with the fury of the Nightbringer. This attack hits at WS6 S10 and I4 and ignores armor saves.

Special Rules:
Independent Character
Reanimation Protocols
Curse of the Outsider: The Outsider had long been a god that none would dare look upon in fear of losing one's mind. However, Drenzyk had dared to gaze into the face of the Outsider and managed to retain his mind, well, most of it anyway. The Outsider was maddeningly amused that a lesser being was capable of staring upon the Lord of Madness and walking away with his mind intact that upon the biotransference, The Outsider marred the face of Drenzyk to something more to his liking. Drenzyk's face is now a parody of the face of the Outsider, a twisted mirror that will force hesitation upon all that dare look upon it and insanity upon those he lowers his gaze upon. Drenzyk is treated as having the Counter-attack USR. Furthermore, he gains the following shooting profile:
Range: 6" S10* AP2 Assault 1
*This shot is resolved against the Target's Leadership and has no effect upon vehicles
Also due to the madness imbued upon Drenzyk by the Outsider, Drenzyk is a potential threat to his own Necron brethren. When attached to a unit or in a transport, all rolls to hit of 1 automatically hit models in the said unit (or transport) as Drenzyk cackles madly, temporarily overcome by the insanity, striking out at friends and foe alike.

May select a Catacomb Command Barge as a dedicated transport

Draza'kar the Unbounded


WS6 BS2 S5 T5 W3 I2 A3+D3 Ld10 Sv2+/3++

Sempiternal Weave
Phase Shifter
Resurrection orb
Slaughter Scythe: This is a warscythe specially crafted for Draza'kar the Unbounded. Though seemingly heftier than the regular Warscythe, it is a graceful and agile weapon with a built in accelerator that allows Draza'kar to react more quickly than his mechanical brethren. The Slaughter Scythe gives a +2 Initiative Bonus in combat, ignores armor saves, and benefits from the Rending USR.

Special Rules:
Independent Character
Reanimation Protocols
Enforcing Presence: Draza'kar's presence forces his troops to operate at beyond normal capacity. Draza'kar counts as having the Phaeron special rule.
Unbounded: As a Necrontyr, Draza'kar had shown great disdain for ranged weaponry preferring mastery with the blade with which he was known to use with stunning effectiveness and speed. As a Necron, he is little different from his old self. When in close combat, Draza'kar gains D3 attacks

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (1)

40K Proposed Rules » 7 proctors of pestillence» Go to message

terranarc wrote:You can't help but wonder what the other 6 do assuming they don't all do the same thing, just at difference locales.

Like there's Mr. Epidemius, CEO of Nurgle Corp's Milky Way region management while someone else runs the office at the Andromeda office.

Do tell how Chaos spread from the Milky Way to another galaxy.

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (2)

40K Proposed Rules » Your Own Unique characters in 40K» Go to message

Hezekial wrote:Ok I have created my first special character, thanks to the layout plan Ovion gave me. I'm not that good at judging if they are balanced though as I just like fighting armies that look cool and don't care much about points. Well here is the first:

Archon Helegan Rose 'The Lost Maiden'.

Pts: 200

7 7 3 3 3 7 4 10 5+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Plasma Grenades, Kabalite Armour, Punch Dagger (off-hand CC wep).

The Fractured Soul: To represent the strange power of the trans-dimensional being who exists within her slender frame, Archon Rose is completely immune to the effects of Psychic powers, as is any unit she joins.

The Maiden's Bane: Helegan Rose has gained a mighty weapon imbued with a malign and blood thirsty sentience during one of her many real-space raids. The Maiden's Bane is a power weapon. Furthermore, it makes two bonus attacks every round of combat (roll these seperatly). If any double is rolled for these attacks when rolling to hit, the sentience inside the blade rebels - the two attacks miss automatically and no more of these bonus attacks maybe made for the rest of the game.

Beast Petals: Archon Rose has command over the monsters that lurk in the Slums of Commorragh. You may take squads of 3 - 10 Ur-ghuls as an alternate Troop choice for your army and if a Court is chosen for Archon Helegan Rose, it may consist of only Ur-Ghuls.

Special Rules: Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain, Independent Character, Invulnerable Save (4+).

Precognisant: Archon Rose is always one step ahead of her enemies. After both sides have been deployed, the Dark Eldar may redeploy D3 Units in the army, including placing them in reserve.

Helegan's Ur-ghul slaves.

4 0 4 4 1 5 3 3 -

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Claws and needle-teeth (count as a single close combat weapon).

Special Rules: Fleet, Feel no Pain, Furious Charge.

This is my first character and I used Lady Malys as a base for my altered rules, adding in her special troops for extra points but mostly leaving her the same. The urghul troops are just the same as the court versions and this just means that if accepted I could field an army of Ur-ghuls lead by 'The Maiden', which I think would look amazing.

Tell me what you think. Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (3)

This just sounds like Lady Malys in a different skin...

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (4)

40K Proposed Rules » Warscythes, old vs New» Go to message

The New Warscythes do not ignore invulnerables saves :( BUT they give +2 strength bonus Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (5) and they keep their 2D6 Armor Penetration Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (6).

So in a way, they are better (they wound things much more easily and pop tanks much more easily as well). I guess the question is, does the pro outweigh the con? I'd say yes (and besides, the whole point of an invulnerable save is that it's not supposed be ignorable by CCWs of any sort)

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (7)

40K Proposed Rules » Reasonable rules for your favortite Space marine Primarch ( Renegade or Loyalist)» Go to message

Formosa wrote:yeah not all primarchs actually had articifer armour suprisingly

I made alpha and omegon pretty much chapter masters, as you get 2 of em, what I would you prefure anyway?

I always felt that I6 was probably best for them. I mean I may be incorrect in my interpretation, but that's what I felt after reading that Alpharius/Omegon... one of them weaved their way through bolter fire from Horus (which I'd imagine would be no easy feat as Horus is someone with significant time under his belt in the arts of war)

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (8)

40K Proposed Rules » Reasonable rules for your favortite Space marine Primarch ( Renegade or Loyalist)» Go to message

@Formosa, I really do like those Primarch stats though I imagined that Alpharius Omegon's initiative values would be higher based on the first encounter with Horus where one of them seemed to dodge Horus's bolter fire with relative ease.

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (9)

40K Proposed Rules » Sensible and non-sarcastic houserules for the Emperor!» Go to message

ArbitorIan wrote:

Orlanth wrote:If you want custom Custodes, and why not, look to give them stats as a human hero probably around 5's. They may have T and S of 4 but it will be to account for their exotic armour not geneseed. They are all normal humans, but each and every one is a noted hero before he joined and have W2. They have Ld10 of course and cannot fail leadership tests of any kind while in the presence of the Emperor. Some act as a unit around the Emperor, this unit is mandatory and the Emperor cannot join another unit, however Custodes can be split off to temporarily join other units as as the same way as Wolf Guard did. Think of it as ensuring political reliability. If the unit has a bike or jump pack equip the Custodes accordingly at additional points costs, otherwise they have power armour and nemesis halberds as according to the old rules and fluff. But they are not Grey Knights, they are tougher than that.

Um, just to nitpick, but...

Custodes are, by any standards, NOT normal humans. According to all fluff an individual Custodes is AT LEAST the equal of an individual Space Marine, precisely because of genetic engineering similar to the idea of 'gene-seed'.

Off of Lexicanum (I don't have any BL literature or what not so please bear with me)

"Generally, the Custodes are larger and more powerful than Space Marines, but the differences are only noticeably significant in a few specific cases... 3 p.29" (Cited from Blood Games)

"Custodians were the first genetically and psychologically altered warriors created by the Emperor during the Terran Unification Wars."

"The genetic enhancement that forms the Custodes is different from and predates that developed to create Space Marines.3 p.29"

"The individuality of each Custodes is further promoted by the fact that the processes required to produce them is not as refined or as simple as that of the Astartes and thus are not "mass-produced" as the Astartes are; meaning that each Custodian is a unique investment for the Imperium."

I'd say that all indicates that the Adeptus Custodes are NOT normal humans.

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (10)

40K Proposed Rules » The God Emperor of Mankind - Rules» Go to message

TyraelVladinhurst wrote:mine are more believable,

how about actually listing your GEoM stats instead of sending us off to download something that is probably not worth the time to download (Why would anyone want to download something just to check out a single fanfic statline?)

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (11)

40K Proposed Rules » The God Emperor of Mankind - Rules» Go to message

chrisrawr wrote:God Emperor of Mankind - 750 Points

WS7 BS7 S6 T6 W6 I7 A5* Ld10 Sv2+/4*++

Special Rules: Progenitor, Light of Man, Redemption, Psyker, The Golden Path

Wargear: Golden Armour, Flaming Sword

Progenitor: His was the geneseed used in the forging of the Primarchs, and through them, the Space Marines. The God Emperor of Mankind has access to all Psychic powers in any of the most recent Space Marines codecies. The GEoM may use as many shooting attacks and psychic powers as he wishes to, as long as he does not use the same one more than once.

Light of Man: Any friendly Imperial units are Stubborn for as long as they are within 60" and LoS of the God Emperor of Mankind. Any friendly Imperial Units are Ld10 as long as the God Emperor of Mankind is alive. If the God Emperor of Mankind dies, is removed from play, or otherwise ceases being represented on the battlefield, any friendly Imperial units must pass a Leadership Test, or fall back 2D6".

Redemption: If the God Emperor of Mankind kills an opponent's IC in close combat, you may have that IC be reduced to 1 wound instead. If you do so, that IC makes an opposed leadership test against the God Emperor - if it passes, both models take 1 wound. If it fails, you gain control of the IC for the rest of the game.

Psyker: The GEoM is a Psyker, and may cast up to 4 Psyker Powers each turn. In addition, his weapon is a force weapon that requires no psyker test to activate, and he is immune to perils of the warp. He may take a wound in order to use a psyker power beyond this limit, and without a psychic test.

The Golden Path: The GEoM has a vision for humanity - one with them at the forefront of the galaxy. An army with the GEoM has Preferred Enemy (Everything), and the GEoM counts as an additional objective or killpoint, depending on which mission type you play (He grants you a killpoint if he is alive, and the enemy 2 killpoints if they kill him!).

Golden Armour: Psychic Hood which functions on a 3+. Provides a 2+ armour save and a 4++ invulnerable save. The GEoM may take an invulnerable save against 4++ in order to increase this save to 3++ until the end of the current turn, but if it's failed, the save is reduced to 5++ instead. The Golden Armour provides Regeneration, Eternal Warrior, and Feel No Pain.

Flaming Sword: A witchblade that grants an additional D6 attacks. Provides the GEoM with the following shooting attack: Template S6 AP2 Assault 1 - Place the acute end of the template within 12" and the large at least as far, or farther away.

That's significantly better

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (12)

40K Proposed Rules » The God Emperor of Mankind - Rules» Go to message

That statline and those rules make me lol.

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (13)

40K Proposed Rules » Your Own Unique characters in 40K» Go to message

chrisrawr wrote:

McNinja wrote:

purplefood wrote:

Frozen Ocean wrote:I utterly despise the idea of ignoring invulnerable saves. Know why? Because they're the saves that can't be ignored, that's the point in them! First you get "this ignores invulnerables", then you'll get invulnerables that ignore things that ignore invulnerables, and it becomes a stupid mess.


Supreme Tyrantlord Prime:

WS: 11
BS: 7
S: 10
T: 8
W: 10
I: 11

A: 6
Ld: 10
Sv: 2++
Cost: 175pts

Special Rules:
Synapse Creature (48"), Fearless, Feel No Pain, Spirit Leech, Double Monstrous Creature, Psyker, Fleet, Eternal Warrior.

Bonephasekatana: Crafted by the finest Necron and Eldar craftsmen, the BPK is an instant death power weapon. When the Tyrantlord causes a wound in close combat, pick any model within 10". That model immediately explodes, creating a Str 6 AP2 large blast at their death point. This cannot hurt the Tyrantlord.

The Supreme Tyrantlord Prime is a half-Hive Tyrant half-Carnifex half-Trygon Prime. It was abandoned by its parent, the Swarmlord, as a small spawnling. It was found by the Eldar, who adopted the small Hormagaunt-like creature as their own. He quickly grew, learning every psychic power the Eldar know, and becoming Autarch, Farseer, and Exarch of every Aspect within two years. Unfortunately, the Craftworld was destroyed when it crashed into an Ultramarine. Swearing revenge, the Tyrantlord created Hive Fleet Behemoth and sent them at Macragge, but it didn't work because he was too busy adventuring through the Warp and defeating Slaanesh single-handedly


I've highlighted the problems with it...

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (14)

no no, his was satire as well. WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE AND MISSING SATIRE?

clearly this is a case of sarchasm

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (15)

40K Proposed Rules » Your Own Unique characters in 40K» Go to message

He's gonna have to cost A LOT more than 300 for making Razorwings troop

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (16)

40K Proposed Rules » Design your own War Machines (or vehicle upgrades)» Go to message

Necron Scorpion

Points: 200

BS:4 AV:12/11/11

Type: Open Topped, Fast, Skimmer

1 Twin Linked Heavy Gauss Cannons
2 Particle Beamer
Quantum Shielding

Special Rules:
Living Metal
Homing Beacon: Units that deepstrike up to 6" away do not have to roll for scatter.

Necron Reaper

Points: 250

BS:4 AV:12/12/12

Type: Open Topped, Skimmer

Tachyon Launcher: Has two shooting profiles
Focused Fire Range:120" S:10 AP:1 Heavy 2
Sustained Fire Range:36" S:6 AP:4 Heavy 6
2 Gauss Flux Arcs
Quantum Shielding

Special Rules:
Living Metal

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The Necron God slayers:

These are constructs made by the Necrons when they turned against the C'tan designed to weaken and eventually break apart the C'tan. These constructs which eventually had felled the star gods are now used by the Necrons to remind the younger races of how far behind they truly are, how they cannot hope in their current state to truly ever challenge the might of the Necrons.

First off:

Necron Genesis Platform: These monolithic constructs open a portal through time to the Big Bang. This was used to bring about the very force that birthed the C'tan against the C'tan, now it's used against the lesser species to a much greater effect.

Points: 1500

BS:4 AV:14/14/14

Type: Super Heavy, Tank, Skimmer

Structure Points: 6

Genesis Cannon: Range: 100" S: D AP: 1 Ordnance 1, 10" blast, ignores cover

Special Rules:
Sentient Hull: The living metal used for the hull is so advanced that it can repair damage within a blink of an eye. Any weapon that would normally roll an extra D6 or D3 for armor penetration do not benefit from the extra D6 or D3. Ignores crew shaken and crew stunned results.
Canoptek Crew: The Genesis cannon is writhing with Canoptek constructs which tend to any damage the Sentient Hull cannot attend to. An immobilized or Weapon destroyed result can be repaired on any turn on a D6 roll of 4+. A Structure Point can be regained on a 2D6 roll of double 6's.

Singularity Engine: This construct was designed to bring the very reality warping powers of the C'tan against the C'tan. Though not very effective at killing the C'tan, it proved it's worth in slowing them down, allowing the Genesis Platforms time to rip away shards of the C'tan, breaking them down bit by bit.

Type: Super Heavy, Tank, Skimmer

Points: 1000

BS:4 AV:14/14/14

Structure Points: 4

Reality Breaker: Range: 100" S:6 AP:3 Ordnance 1, Apocalyptic Barrage, Space-Time Moulder (As mysterious as it is arcane, those that are caught in the in the resulting blast are caught in a temporary space and time warp that slows down their movement to an utter crawl. All models caught under the barrage template have their initiative reduced to one. Non vehicle models must roll 2D6 for movement selecting the lowest D6 roll. Vehicles roll 4D6 for movement and select the lowest 2 rolls.)
Singularity Cannon: Range: 100" S:- AP:- Ordnance 1, 10" blast, Miniature Black Hole (place a 60mm marker at the center of the blast template, this represents the event horizon of the miniature singularity. All models under blast template in their must roll 3D6" and subtract it from their movement value - vehicles use their cruising speed movement value. This is the distance the model moves towards the marker. Models that make base contact with the marker are immediately removed from play having been swallowed up by the singularity)

Special Rules:
Sentient Hull

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (17)

40K Proposed Rules » Design your own War Machines (or vehicle upgrades)» Go to message

Necron (Canoptek) Harvester - Inspired by the Soul Drinker's novel Hell Forged

Apoc Only

Points: 900

Structure Points: 5

WS:3 BS:3 S:8 AV14/14/14 I:2 A:7

Unit Type: Vehicle ( Counts as Fast Skimmer)

-4 DCCW's (Bonus attacks already included in profile)
-2 Gauss Flayer Arrays (Defensive Weapons)
-2 Heavy Gauss Cannons
-The Harvester's Maw (Counts as a single Melta bomb against anything with an armor value, can only be used when performing a Decimating Rampage. Against units without an armor value, resolve an automatic D6 hits at S:8, armor saves not permitted)
Canoptek Hive: The Harvester can forfeit it's movement and shooting phases to generate D6 Canoptek units each turn. What type of Canoptek unit that is generated is determined by a roll of D3: a D3 roll of 1 creates Canoptek Scarabs, roll of 2 creates Canoptek Wraiths, roll of 3 creates Canoptek Spyders. These Canoptek manifestations automatically join the nearest unit of their type and are permitted to increase the unit size past max limit. If no such unit is available, they form their own unit.

Special Rules:
Living Metal
Monolithic Construct: The incredible might of this construct allows it to carve it's way through the hardest, strongest materials known to the galaxy without care. The Harvester ignores Difficult and Dangerous Terrain.
Decimating Rampage: If the player chooses to have the Harvester perform a Decimating Rampage, he must declare it in his movement phase and must move flat out. Units and structures caught in the path of the Harvester suffer automatic hits from the Harvester's Maw. If the Harvester ends it's movement upon an opposing unit or structure, it is automatically then in close combat with that unit or structure. If the unit it lands upon is friendly, then that unit is automatically destroyed (invulnerable saves allowed).

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (18)

40K Proposed Rules » FNP and custom weapons for Chaos Nurgle termies?» Go to message

AnomanderRake wrote:Cult Terminators would be workable, I think. Consider in comparison to regular Chaos Marines:

Plague Marine: -1 I, +Blight Grenades, +Fearless, +FNP, +Mark of Nurgle, +8pts per model. No option for heavy weapons, otherwise all options the same as regular Chaos Marines.
Plague Terminator, hence:
40pts per model, WS 4, BS 4, S 4, T 4(5), W 1, I 3, A 2, Ld 10, Sv 2+/5++
Equipment and options remain identical to normal Chaos Terminators except for the following: add Mark of Nurgle, Fearless, and Feel No Pain, remove the option to take a Reaper Autocannon, replace the Icon section with an option to take a Personal Icon for +5pts

Noise Marines: +1 I, +Fearless, +different upgrade weapon list, +5pts
Noise Terminators, hence:
36pts per model, WS 4, BS 4, S 4, T 4, W 1, I 5, A 2, Ld 10, Sv 2+/5++
Equipment and options remain identical to normal Chaos Terminators except for the following: add Mark of Slaanesh, Fearless, replace the twin-linked bolter with a twin-linked sonic blaster; remove the option to take combi-weapons, a heavy flamer, or a Reaper Autocannon, add the option to take a Blastmaster, one Champion may take a Doom Siren, costs as listed under the Noise Marine entry, replace the Icon section with an option to take a Personal Icon for +5pts

Thousand Sons: +Slow&Purposeful, +Inferno Bolts, +MoT, +Fearless, -Grenades, +Sorcerer squad leader at +37pts, +8pts/model
Thousand Sons Terminators, hence:
41pts per model, WS 4, BS 4, S 4, T 4, W 1, I 4, A 2, Ld 10, Sv 2+/4++
One must be upgraded to a Sorcerer for +40pts, Sorcerer has +1 A, a Force Weapon, and one psychic power for the cost listed under the Thousand Sons entry; no other may be upgraded to champion.
Equipment is otherwise unchanged, and no equipment upgrades may be taken; all models gain Slow and Purposeful, Inferno Bolts, Fearless, and The Sorcerer Commands. Replace the Icon section with an option to take a Personal Icon for +5pts

Khorne Berzerkers: +1 WS, +Fearless, +MoK, +Furious Charge, -boltguns
Berzerker Terminators, hence:
38pts per model, WS 5, BS 4, S 4, T 4, W 1, I 4, A 3, Ld 10, Sv 2+/5++
All models gain Fearless, Furious Charge, and the Mark of Khorne. Equipment remains unchanged, except that the option to take a Reaper Autocannon or heavy flamer is removed; replace the Icon section with an option to take a Personal Icon for +5pts

Or something like that.

I'd say Zerker Termi's should be able to wield two of any CC weapons (Ex: carry 2 power weapons, 2 lightning claws, 2 chainfists, etc.) and keep base 2 attacks on their statline.

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (19)

40K Proposed Rules » FNP and custom weapons for Chaos Nurgle termies?» Go to message

Joey wrote:

but as normal plague marines get FNP why can't plague termies get FNP

Because that would be rediculous. It would take 144 lasgun shots to kill one, lol.

What buffoon would waste small arms fire on Termi's in the first place?

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (20)

40K Proposed Rules » FNP and custom weapons for Chaos Nurgle termies?» Go to message

I would (and FW has some sick Plague Termi's so if the plague termi's of yours look anything comparable to FW's, then HELL YEAH!!!!!)

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (21)

40K Proposed Rules » Landraider Obliterator» Go to message

This would be one of, if not, the best Landraider variants to take solely for the vast amounts of dakka it would be capable of unleashing when loaded up with Obliterators

Ex. - 5 lascannon shots 2 of which would be twinlinked, lovin it!

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (22)

40K Proposed Rules » DC/Marvel Superhero Proposed Rules» Go to message

movies =/= Marvel fluff

Hulk has been incinerated down to his skeleton, guess what? He regenerated in seconds, He has survived several nuclear blasts and equivalents. And as someone has said before, he had been tossed into the center of a star... and survived.

Hulk has lifted Thor's hammer and took down Thor with said hammer

Sentry has been said to hold within him the power of a million exploding suns. Hulk has gone toe to toe with Sentry and they beat each back down to Robert Reynolds and Bruce Banner respectfully.

Speaking of Sentry, he tore down Asgard, he tore down fricking ASGARD.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And for the Lolz.


WS:6 BS:4 S:3 T:4 W:3 I:6 A:5 Ld:- Sv: 6+

Frag and Krak grenades
Twin blades: Two CCW's that allow him to reroll fail to hits and fail to wounds, Also Rend on a 5+
The Magic Satchel: Deadpool has been seen to carry a magic satchel that allow him to pull out weapons - ridiculous ones at times. At the beginning of each shooting phase, Deadpool can choose one of the following weapons:

Missile Launcher
Sniper Rifle
Twin SMGs S3 AP5 Range: 12" Assault 3, TL
BMFG S9 AP3 Range: 24" @ BS4, 36" @ BS3, 48" @ BS2, 60" @ BS1, Heavy 1
What's this gun do? S: D6 AP: D6 Range: 12" +3D6 Assault D6

Special Rules:
Healing Factor: FNP
Dodge: Having heightened reflexes (as well as some damn good luck) Deadpool gains a 4+ invulnerable save
Unpredictable behavior: Due to Deadpool's random nature, his opponents have a frustrating time fighting him. In Close Combat, Deadpool's opponents do not benefit from any reroll to hits or wounds. Also, any leadership based attacks upon deadpool automatically fail.
Dynamic Entry: If Deadpool is put in reserve and you make a successful reserve roll for Deadpool, you can choose to outflank, deepstrike, or not to enter that turn. Furthermore, if he deepstrikes onto any enemy unit, he immediately is placed in assault with the unit which suffers an automatic hit before combat is initiated (Deadpool landing on a member of the unit).
Breaking the 4th wall: On the final turn of the game, Deadpool chucks the largest, heaviest object at hand at the opposing player(s). If it hits, the game is over and you auto win. Bonus 5D6 victory points if your opponent is knocked unconscious.

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (23)

40K Proposed Rules » "The Crimson Death" - Special Character» Go to message

Points need to go up, WAAAAAY up

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (24)

40K Proposed Rules » create your own chapter master» Go to message

I would toss out Polaron-Woven Armour and put in Artificer Armor and you already have the Iron Halo giving you a 4++ so what would then be the point of a non-negatable 5+ armor save of the Polaron-Woven Armour which seems to just simply give you a 5++ which is worse than the Iron Halo's 4++?

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (25)

40K Proposed Rules » create your own chapter master» Go to message

Vampirate of Sartosa wrote:Chapter Master Jaric Phoros- 270 points
WS6 – BS6 – S4 – T3 – W4 – I5 – A3 – Ld10 – Sv2+
Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Suffer Not the Work of Heretics, Descend and Destroy, Cleanse And Purify, Do Not Yield, Tactical, Master of the Chapter
Tactical: As long as Phoros is on the table, you may re-roll any reserve rolls – even successful ones.
Do Not Yield: Phoros and his squad have the Counter-Attack special rule.

Equipment: Artificer armour, Pyreblade, Fires of Redemption, frag and krak grenades, meltabombs, Iron Halo

Fires of Redemption: Range: Template – S:6 – AP:4 – Type: Assault 2
Pyreblade: The Pyreblade is a Relic Blade that ignores Invulnerable Saves.

Rules build below:


Made using this.

Uh... why T3?

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (26)

40K Proposed Rules » create your own chapter master» Go to message

Lucius Lucullus of the Jackals
250 pts

WS 6
BS 5
S 4
T 4
W 3
I 6
A 3
LD 10
Sv 2+/4++

Artificer Armor
Iron Halo
Jump Pack
Hell Gauntlet: Chainfist with inbuilt TL Infernus Pistol
Jackals Bite: a ancient power sword that benefits from the Rending USR
Stimulants: A unique co*cktail of drugs which increase the awareness and reflexes of Lucius Lucullus, increases his initiative by 1 (already included in his profile) and grants him FNP.

Special Rules:
Independent Character
Hit and Run
Jab and Hook: When in close combat, Lucius can attack with both the Jackals Bite and Hell Gauntlet

Ghosts Upon the Wind: All units in an army list including Lucius Lucullus may replace Combat Tactics and ATSKNF with USR's Stealth and Hit and Run.

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (27)

40K Proposed Rules » Proposed stats for the Emperor» Go to message

Masonicon wrote:how about this version:

Emperor of Mankind got this stats like this in the game: Ws 10, Bs 10, S 10, T 10, W 10, I 10, A 10, Ld 10, SV 2++

his wargear: Terra Sword, Aquila Talon, Armor of Golden Age of Technology

new Special rule: he can uses background objects, vehicles, and infantry as improvised projectile weapons

everything else is already posted by OP


Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (28)

40K Proposed Rules » It's useless, let's make it better!» Go to message

Triarch Praetorians

2 Attacks

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (29)

40K Proposed Rules » Anton Chigurh in 40k» Go to message

CthuluIsSpy wrote:

Masonicon wrote:

CthuluIsSpy wrote:Vortex grenades are available to everyone.

at least a handful of named characters stomping entire armies in 40k Tabletop games can be better, because it far less expensive than buying bunch of models. and it's great for tournaments

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (30)

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (31)

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (32)

40K Proposed Rules » Anton Chigurh in 40k» Go to message

Kaldor wrote:A coin toss? Is Anton Chigurh Twoface?

You haven't seen No Country for Old Men, have you?

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (33)

40K Proposed Rules » The Looted Tank/Battle Tank, an Ork vehicle» Go to message

I personally like this as with all those options it allows one to "loot" it as they see fit. Kudos to you. Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (34)

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (35)

40K Proposed Rules » Anton Chigurh in 40k» Go to message

okay, here's a simple reason, some of the weaponry out there do not work in the hands of a human. Ork weaponry needs the orky belief that the gun will shoot. Eldar weaponry requires a psychic link to the weapon. Necron tech likes to disappear after the necron using it falls beyond on battlefield repairs and is very heavy and is beyond average joe's comprehension on how to operate. Nids... their weapons are part of their bodies, need I say more? The only tech that makes sense to be looted is Imperium, CSM, Tau, and maybe dark eldar, but just a quick glance at SM weapons (both CSM and SM) you realize that those weapons are much too heavy and powerful to be used by an average joe all alone and when it comes to Tau it would be ridiculous after killing a broadside unit he gets a Railgun, starting to get the picture now?

Also, on the chance he wipes out multiple units, he suddenly starts having so many damn weapons at his disposal, which makes no sense as how the hell would he be carrying all of these weapons?

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (36)

40K Proposed Rules » warboss gitstompa's custom looted baneblade » Go to message

KhornePysker wrote:How about I replace lascannon sponson with demolisher cannons for about 90 points upgrade each and the demolisher cannons are now assault 4 str 4 ap 1?

It's a nice change I suppose, but really doesn't offset the main weapon nor the point cost by much if at all.

Messages posted by King Pariah - Forum (37)

Forum Index »Profile for King Pariah » Messages posted by King Pariah


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